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This article mainly introduces the design of small diesel engine piston. As a kind of component with high technical content in engine parts, the piston group is often caused by the huge mechanical load and high thermal stress in the bad working conditions, which causes the piston to produce a lot of deformations which are not conducive to the normal work of the piston, and even the piston is destroyed and the piston's life is reduced. This will further affect the maintenance cycle and life of the engine. The deformations of the piston often cause the crack or even fracture of the piston pin, the wear of the ring groove and the piston ring, the severe friction between the piston skirt and the cylinder wall, which cause the burn and even the drawing. With the continuous development of science and technology, more and more advanced schemes, experiments and technological means have been developed for piston design. The development of CAD/CAE technology makes the piston design more convenient. The CATIA software can intuitively observe and analyze the shape characteristics of the parts designed and analyzed from various angles. Then the finite element analysis of the piston can be used to grasp the distribution of the mechanical and thermal stress of the piston by the ANSYS software, and can be used to calculate the piston by analysis and calculation. The design provides more accurate improvements. The temperature field design of the finite element can accurately simulate the actual ambient temperature of the piston work. The force deformation of the piston under the mechanical load can be intuitively simulated in the software. The designer can improve the design structure by the analysis of the stress concentration.
Key words: diesel engine,piston,strength
(1)    型号        CY6102BZQ
(2)    缸径102 mm
(3)    冲程118 mm
(4)    压缩比      16.5
(5)    工作容积    5.785 L
(6)    额定转速    2800 rpm
(7)    燃烧室形式ω型


摘要    1
Abstract    2
第一章    绪 论    1
1.1课题背景    1
1.2活塞的发展趋势    1
1.3活塞组设计与工艺的发展现状    2
1.3.1活塞部分    2
1.3.3 活塞销    3
1.4 本文研究对象及主要内容    3
1.5 经济性分析    4
第二章    活塞组    5
2.1概述    5
2.2活塞组设计要求    5
2.2.1 活塞的机械负荷    5
2.2.2 活塞的热负荷    6
2.2.3 润滑不良    6
2.3活塞的设计参数    6
2.4活塞材料选择    6
2.5活塞的主要尺寸确定    7
2.6活塞头部设计    9
2.6.1活塞顶    9
2.6.2活塞环槽    10
2.7活塞销座设计    11
2.7.1典型的销座结构    11
2.8活塞裙部及其侧表面形状设计    14
2.9 活塞环设计    16
2.10 活塞销设计    16
第三章    活塞的强度校核    18
3.1活塞顶的机械应力    18
3.2对第一环岸进行校核    18
3.3裙部比压     18
3.4活塞销座比压 :    19
第四章    三维实体模型的建立    20
4.2  ANSYS软件简介    21
4.3 活塞三维实体模型的建立    22
4.4 活塞的有限元分析    27
第五章    总结    30
参考文献    31
致谢    33
