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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D15852 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D15852
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摘  要

关键词:  服务;相关性;民航发展;企业市场

   In this paper, the main content is to emphasize the importance of the development of civil aviation service, from the reform and opening up until now, with the improvement of People's Daily life level, civil aviation, more and more become one of the residents' consumption hot spots.
In our country in recent years, the civil aviation enterprise development situation are introduced, on the basis of service are analyzed, and the public in the process of development of China's civil aviation's service level constantly, encountered in the process of the development of civil aviation security, price, service, etc., the service was 70%, that is to say, the service quality directly affects whether passengers ride again. Although at present, China's airlines to targeted to strengthen to improve service, but for some special things, is not enough and the international community, this suggests that the development of China's civil aviation also need to gradually perfect, airline and flight attendant service correlation should be stepped up. In this condition
Made on the basis of the analysis of the effect of service to our country civil aviation development and countermeasures of how to make the enterprise in the market process
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Keywords:Service, correlation, civil aviation development, the enterprise market

一、民航服务的概念    1
(一)民航服务    1
(二)民航服务的重要性    1
二、民航服务中存在的问题    2
(一)缺乏强烈的服务质量意识    2
(二)沟通不够人性化    2
(三)服务人员综合素质较差    3
三、浅析民航服务问题的原因    3
(一)民航的服务管理体制导致了行业整体的服务指导观念与实际需求脱节    3
(二)现行的行业分工导致航空公司无法对地面环节的服务质量进行有效的管理和控制    4
(三)我国民航的消费环境和消费者自身均不成熟    4
四、提升民航服务质量的策略    6
(一)完善规章制度,改变服务与管理理念    5
(二)加强员工服务意识与技巧的培训    5
(三)加强服务补救    6
五、结束语    7
参考文献    8
致谢    9
