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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D15853 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D15853
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摘  要    

关键词:   空乘; 素质; 服务质量

   With the continuous development of China's aviation market and fierce competition between the various airlines, passengers on the flight attendant service quality requirements more and more is also high. Therefore, the flight attendant service quality can largely determines an airline to win more customers, and gain a foothold in the competition. The article will improve the quality of the our country civil aviation flight attendants and researches on the methods to improve service quality, this paper expounds the importance of improving the quality of flight attendant service. How to do the service, how to let passenger satisfaction, goal has always been a flight attendant, and airlines will be the key to survival. Anyhow, airlines in the fierce market competition to win more passengers, we must improve the quality of service concept and service. Therefore, successful enterprise nothing have is not big on service quality, with its excellent service quality to win

Keywords : quality of flight attendant service quality

一、空乘人员职业素质概述    1
(一)职业素质的概念     1
(二)空乘人员职业素质的重要性     1
二、我国空乘人员素质与服务质量现状分析    1
(一)我国空乘服务质量现状分析    2
(二)我国空乘人员职业素质的现状分析    2
(三)影响空乘人员职业素质的原因    3
三、提高空乘服务质量的建议     5
(一)提高空乘专业教学质量    5
(二)掌握沟通技巧,提高空乘服务质量    5
(三)航空公司要完善用人体制,提高服务质量    6
(四)充分发挥自身优势,充分利用非语言因素    6
四、结束语    6
参考文献    8
致谢    9
