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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D16516 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D16516
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关键词:连锁企业; 文化建设;面临问题
People because of the cultural theory of guidance, to be able to face all kinds of difficulties, perseverance brave, highlight the tight encirclement. The same is true of a business, in the context of this era of economic globalization, whether between the state and the country, or between enterprises and enterprises, but there is a very fierce competition. The chain of corporate culture for a business bigger and stronger, to improve their core competitiveness, are not to be underestimated the role. This paper first elaborates on the connotation and function of the chain enterprise culture, and then gives an overview of some problems in the process of building the chain culture of our country. The corporate culture is in the form of serious problem, and finally, The problem also gives some specific advice. I hope that the content of the chain can help the cultural construction of the chain.
Keywords: chain enterprises; cultural construction; face problems

摘要    2
Abstract    2
一、 绪论    4
二、 连锁企业文化内涵及作用    4
(一) 连锁企业文化内涵    4
(二) 连锁企业文化作用    5
三、 我国连锁企业在文化建设方面面临的问题    6
(一) 忽视连锁企业文化的精神内涵    6
(二) 连锁企业文化有别于企业实际    6
(三) 员工对连锁企业文化不认同    6
(四) 连锁企业文化没有与时俱进    7
四、 我国连锁企业文化建设的建议    7
(一) 加大连锁企业文化精神内涵建设    7
(二) 从连锁企业实际中提炼连锁企业文化    8
(三) 对于连锁企业文化建设要广开言路    8
(四) 对连锁企业文化必须要不断创新    8
五、 结语    9
六、 参考文献    10
