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英文题目    Design of aviation flight service

【Abstract】With the continuous development of the global economy, the accelerating pace of life, so the flight attendants travel in people's eyes, slowly penetrated into people's life. Modern people pay more attention to the life level, and the air quality of service must improve the characteristics of cultural features form has become the focus. Yunnan province is rich in tourism resources, unique local customs of ethnic minorities are all yearning. Islam is the main religion of the Hui people in Yunnan, Yunnan and other ethnic minorities in most Islamic beliefs, although are not many, but they are also a member of Islam, is heWill the local customs and Islamic beliefs and participation, rich in Islam, there will be China colorful Islamic culture. Air service personnel's image is also very important, especially the characteristics of Yunnan, the air staff dressed in costumes with national characteristics, in the course of the meal and the cabin decoration also very unique, and Yunnan has become a hot red cabin in the airport. With the development of China's aviation industry, China's aviation industry that the future will be more and more characteristic, humanization, individuation, religion to occupy more space. Based on continuously improve the quality of service, has been standardized, institutionalized science.The management, to form a high quality of the cabin culture. Yunnan red cabin for Islamic culture focus on clothing, menus, cabin decorative features are discussed in this paper. This design with the integration of traditional Islamic form the moon and the stars and the formation of EID standard system, through scientific, rigorous process beautification design, and arranged for a series of follow-up promotion plan, improve red aviation services personalized.

【KEY WORDS】Air service; Islamic culture; individuation; cabin culture


目  录
1.引言    1
2.研究方法    1
2.1资料查阅法    1
2.2经验总结法    1
2.3 问卷调查法    1
3、 红土航空航班服务设计    2
3.1 红土航空概述    2
 3.2个性化标志图案    3
3.3红土航空个性化空乘服务与伊斯兰文化    4
3.3.1伊斯兰餐饮特色    4
3.3.2 如何将红土空乘服务与伊斯兰餐饮文化融合    4
3.3.3伊斯兰装饰特色    6
3.3.4如何融合红土机舱内饰与伊斯兰装饰特色    7
3.3.5伊斯兰服饰特色    9
3.3.6如何融合红土机组服装与伊斯兰服装特色    10
4.总结    11
参考文献    12
附录(问卷调查表)    12
