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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D16795 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D16795
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关键词: 中小企业;融资;融资成本;融资问题

Research on the financing problems and countermeasures of  HuaXiaZiTong Technology Co., Ltd.
In recent years, as the economy continues to develop, the number of SMEs in China is growing. SMEs in the national economy increasing, or to solve the employment of GDP, SMEs play an important role. But the contribution of SMEs and the harvest is complete, the financing difficulties of SMEs has been the bottleneck to limit their development, but also social widespread problem. This paper found that financing problems in the study of Chinese characters Technologies Co. Ltd., and find out why the problem and propose solutions to the problem of financing proposals.
Chinese word Technologies Ltd., which specializes in teaching children literacy learning. This article is based on financial management, financial analysis and theory, first introduced the background and significance of financing and related theories, then analyzes the practice of the company's financing costs and related indicators of financial condition through the company, find out the problems in financing. Final settlement of the issues raised financing through enhanced cooperation, the use of the value chain, strengthen internal control building

Key words:  Small and medium-sized enterprises; Financing; The financing cost; Financing problems

目  录
1 绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究意义    1
1.3 研究方法和论文框架    1
1.3.1 研究方法    1
1.3.2 论文框架    2
2 企业融资相关理论的概述    3
2.1 国内外研究现状    3
2.2融资的概念和意义    4
2.3 中小企业融资的动机    4
2.4 中小企业融资的原则    5
2.5 中小企业融资的渠道    5
2.6 中小企业融资的类型    6
3 华夏字通科技有限公司融资现状及存在的问题和原因分析    8
3.1华夏字通科技有限公司融资现状分析    8
3.1.1 公司简介    8
3.1.2 华夏字通科技有限公司融资现状分析    8
3.2 华夏字通科技有限公司融资所存在的问题及原因分析    12
3.2.1华夏字通科技有限公司融资存在的问题    12
3.2.2 内部原因分析    12
3.3.2 外部原因分析    13
4 解决华夏字通科技有限公司融资问题的建议    15
4.1 企业内部方面    15
4.1.1 银企合作扩大短期借款    15
4.1.2 运用价值链进行融资    15
4.1.3加强内控建设,拓展融资渠道    16
4.2 企业外部方面    16
4.2.1 政府加强对中小企业的扶持    16
4.2.2 完善为中小企业服务的融资体系    17
4.2.3 建立健全信用担保体系    18
5 结论    19
参考文献    20
致谢    21
