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关键词:中小企业  经济发展 绩效 绩效管理

China's social and economic development and prosperity, Small and medium enterprises as an important supporting force of China's economy, More and more attention from all sectors of society Abstract:With the development of Chinese economy,the small and medium-sized enterprises play more and more importment role in the progress.In order to maintain their competitive advantage and achieve the purpose of the continuing operations, they need to constantly improve performance evaluation, strengthen the performance management. From the perspective of the relationship between performance and performance management ,this article has analyzed some problems of the small and medium-sized enterprise performance management, and for the existing problems in our country, I would like to put forward some Suggestions for it.

一、绪论    1
(一)中小企业绩效管理的概念与理论    1
二、当前中国中小企业绩效管理现状、存在的问题及原因分析    3
(一)现状及问题分析    3
1、中小企业对绩效管理的认识存在误区    3
2、领导与员工之间缺乏绩效沟通与反馈    4
3、不能充分利用绩效考评结果    4
4、绩效指标设置不科学    4
(二)原因分析    5
1、由中小企业本身的特点导致    5
2、绩效管理缺乏系统性    5
三、完善中小企业绩效管理的对策与思考    6
(一)更新绩效管理观念    6
(二)建立健全绩效反馈机制    7
(三)实现绩效管理系统内部各环节的有效整合    7
(四)绩效指标设置要科学规范    8
四、结论    9
参考文献    10
致  谢    11
