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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D17980 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D17980
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关键词:电子商务    京东商城    物流体系     经营模式

Abstract: With the rapid development of network technology, science and technology have changed the way people live. People began to long for a home to be able to buy what they wanted, and e-commerce companies came into being. It can be said that under the huge market demand, e-commerce companies have expanded rapidly. However, in this new field of market competition, many companies are born, and many enterprises have also died. So, how do these companies that have survived and thrived continuously manage and develop? This article first elaborated on the definition and status quo of e-commerce, and then described in detail the advantages of e-commerce companies, and Jingdong Mall as an example, and finally put forward the existing problems and solutions.
Keywords: E-commerce   Jingdong Mall     Logistics System     Business Model

一、电子商务的定义与现状    2
(一)电子商务的分类    2
(二)电子商务的现状    2
二、电子商务行业的优势    3
三、京东商城的管理和发展案例    4
(一)京东商城简介    4
(二) 京东的理念    4
(三) 京东赢利模式    5
(四) 京东的核心能力    5
四、电商企业发展中存在的问题及对策    6
(一)京东存在的问题    6
(二)电商企业行业存在的问题    7
(三)解决对策    7
参考文献    8
