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关键词:江苏中小企业  品牌建设  对策
Analysis on the problems and countermeasures of the brand construction of small and medium-sized enterprises in Jiangsu province
In the past, brand building of China's SMEs lags far behind Western countries. Now SMEs have begun to understand the importance of brand building. Due to the late start of brand building, many difficulties and problems were encountered on the way. Finding solutions and strengthening the brand construction of small and medium-sized enterprises in Jiangsu are imminent.
This article surveys SEMs in Jiangsu, universal the relevant definition of brand concept, on the basis of understanding the status quo of China's SME brand building, find the bottleneck encountered in the brand building of Jiangsu's SMEs, analyze the problems existing in the brand construction of Jiangsu's SMEs. Put forward recommendations for improving the brand building of SEMs in Jiangsu, such as strengthening corporate brand awareness、clearing brand market positioning and so on.
Key words: Jiangsu's SMEs; brand building; countermeasures
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 引言    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 主要研究内容    1
第二章 相关概念    3
2.1 品牌及品牌建设的概念    3
2.1.1 品牌的概念及意义    3
2.1.2 品牌建设的概念    4
2.2 品牌建设的内容及意义    4
2.2.1 品牌建设的内容    4
2.2.2品牌建设的意义    6
2.3 国内外中小企业品牌建设现状    6
2.4国内外研究现状    7
2.4.1国内研究现状    7
2.4.2 国外研究现状    8
第三章 我国中小企业品牌建设的现状    10
3.1 我国中小企业现状    10
3.2 我国中小企业品牌建设的现状    11
3.3 江苏中小企业品牌建设的现状    12
第四章 江苏中小企业品牌建设现状的调查与分析    13
4.1 问卷设计    13
4.2 数据整理与分析    13
4.3 品牌建设误区    15
4.4 存在的问题    16
第五章 建议    18
结束语    20
参考文献    21
附录    24
致谢    25
