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摘 要
玛氏公司2008年收购箭牌公司后,彩虹糖就在箭牌公司的领导下在中国生产发展,期间推出的广告引起了消费者的关注,呈现“两极”看法。本文在借助张芳的层次结构评估模型的基础上对彩虹糖广告的传播效果的三个方面进行评估。通过问卷调查法收集数据进行分析,数据显示彩虹糖广告的广告沟通效果较差,从而发现彩虹糖品牌知名度低、消费者对彩虹糖特性认知不高、对广告情节和广告词记忆较浅、认可度低等问题,并提出彩虹糖广告要建立起箭牌与彩虹糖间的联系、突出彩虹糖的趣味性、广告情节要创新也要源于生活同时广告词要突出彩虹糖文化、广告信息要清晰易懂等建议 。
关键词: 彩虹糖广告;广告媒介效果;广告沟通效果;未来购买倾向;
After Wrigley was acquired by Mars,Skittles begun to develop in China on the leadership of Wrigley.The advertisement during that time attracted the attention of consumers,presenting "bipolar" view.This paper will assesses the three aspects of Skittles advertising communication effect on the basis of the hierarchy evaluation model built by Zhang Fang.After analyzed the data collected by questionnaire,it shows that Skittles ad has a poor advertisement psychological effect , which found Skittles has several question concerning the reputation of Wrigley,product features of Skittles,advertising plot and Ad words,product recognition.So this paper suggests that Skittles should establish contact between Wrigley and Skittles through advertisement,show the interest of Skittles,and innovative the advertisement plot but relevance to life,show the Skittles culture through AD words,make the advertising Information clear and understandable.
Key words: Skittles advertisement;Advertising media effects;Advertising psychological effect;Future purchases tendencies;
摘 要 - 1 -
㈠ 研究背景 - 3 -
㈡ 研究目的和意义 - 3 -
㈢研究方法 - 4 -
二、文献综述 - 4 -
㈠ 国外研究现状 - 4 -
㈡ 国内研究现状 - 5 -
三、彩虹糖广告介绍 - 6 -
四、彩虹糖广告效果评估方法 - 7 -
㈠ 彩虹糖层次结构模型的构建 - 7 -
㈡ 各层次指标的测评方法 - 8 -
五、彩虹糖的广告传播效果分析 - 10 -
㈠ 问卷调查情况说明 - 10 -
㈡ 广告传播效果结果 - 10 -
㈢ 广告传播效果分析 - 11 -
六、彩虹糖广告存在问题以及建议 - 13 -
㈠ 彩虹糖广告存在的问题 - 13 -
㈡ 对彩虹糖广告的建议 - 14 -
七、结论 - 15 -
参考文献 - 16 - |