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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D16918 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D16918
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摘  要


Laoshan Beer stays in a situation that called live off the mountain where its home is all the time in Qingdao district. Because this beer brand was built very early, the distribution is complete, together with a lot of people who grew up with drinking Laoshan Beer, most of the people are not willing to change another brand of beer. So Laoshan Beer in Qingdao district is almost in a kind of monopolistic model, so there are a lot of people come and buy it without much promotion of it, basically, it can get profit without using any marketing method that aims at certain area in Qingdao district. But nowadays, in the fierce competition, we cannot rely on the price, quality and other primary method to get the absolute market share. Laoshan Beer in Qingdao district likes that. Nowadays, the marketing competition is transferred to another level called brand competition, especially the beers’ quality are all in a high level, then the decisions of the customers are more tended to the brand aspect, if the Lashan Beer don’t make much effect on the brand marketing, then it can left a gap for other competitors to attack.
This research combined the overview of Laoshan Beer Group, the market research environment on Laoshan Beer in Qingdao district and the facing SWOT. Analysis comprehensive, gets the conclusion, and gives the solution.
The expound approach: the first section is introduction. It gives the research’s back ground, meaning and research method, and gives research’s route. The second section is the overview of Laoshan Beer group, and the facing market research situation of Laoshan Beer in Qingdao district. The third section is the facing problems of Laoshan Beer. The forth section is the solution.

Keyword: Laoshan Beer, Brand, Marketing Strategy
目  录
摘  要    I
第一章    绪论    1
1.1 研究的背景与意义    1
1.2 文献综述    2
1.3 研究内容与方法    7
1.3.1研究内容    7
1.3.2 研究方法    7
第二章 崂山啤酒在青岛地区面临的营销环境分析    9
2.1 崂山啤酒集团概况    9
2.2 崂山啤酒在青岛地区面临的市场环境    10
2.3 崂山啤酒在青岛地区的SWOT分析    11
2.4本章小结    13
第三章 崂山啤酒在青岛地区品牌营销中存在的问题    14
3.1 品牌意识不强    14
3.2 缺乏主导品牌    14
3.3 品牌营销缺乏消费者的互动    15
3.4 品牌缺乏个性    16
3.5 本章小结    16
第四章 崂山啤酒在青岛地区品牌营销对策    17
4.1 树立品牌意识    17
4.2 建立品牌个性使品牌年轻化    18
4.4使品牌营销与消费者互动    19
4.6 本章小结    19
结  论    20
参考文献    21
致  谢    22
