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摘 要
Lenovo Group as China's leading PC companies, in recent years, the development of the operating company to exist in the many opportunities and challenges, continue to maintain the domestic market, and constantly open overseas PC market, the development of the economic strength of enterprises.
This paper divided into five parts, the Lenovo Group profit status and its affecting factors analysis. Introduction of general situation of Lenovo Group, and in recent years the profitability, development analysis of influencing factors of association, so as to put forward the improvement measures, provide a valuable suggestions for the development of lenovo.
Key words: Lenovo Group; corporate finance; profitability; factors
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
一、绪论 4
(一)研究的背景及意义 4
(二)研究的对象及依据 4
二、联想集团有限公司的简介 5
(一)公司概况 6
(二)联想集团有限公司盈利现状 7
三、联想集团有限公司盈利的状况分析 8
(一)数据来源 8
(二)数据分析 8
(三)成长性分析 10
(四)盈利质量分析与评价 10
四、同行盈利能力比较 12
(一)品牌占有率比较分析 12
(二)每股收益比较分析 13
五、影响联想集团盈利状况的因素 13
(一)价格方面 13
(二)外部因素 14
六、提升联想集团盈利能力的对策及建议 14
(一)组织和管理层的变革 14
(二)开展营销的策略,不断的拓展市场 14
(三)一如既往地构筑渠道 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17 |