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摘 要


Football is a campaign by the global concern, whether in the World Cup, Champions League or FA Cup, which are sought after by fans. Its influence has long been beyond the floor of the tens of thousands of spectators. We can say that football is more than just a kind of sport, and it has already been formed into an industry. Many clubs will make their club rich by different marketing strategies. The Manchester United Club is certainly one of the most successful marketing cases. According to statistics, it has more than 330 million worldwide fans, the value of its brand is high as much as 1.495 billion U.S. dollars, far higher than other football clubs.
Currently, many scholars began to pay attention to the sports marketing. There are many scholars do research to the marketing of the football club, but the club-specific marketing will become even more less. Through case studies in football club is even less. However, football clubs has mamy similarity to some extent. The research of Manchester United's marketing strategy will allows us look insight into the football club, and then we will find out the key success factor of football clubs.
This paper starts from the history and the current marketing situation of Manchester United Club with the method of case studies, and then we will analyze the marketing environments, which include the outside environment, inside environment and the competitor. Then we will analysis its product strategy, promotion strategy, place strategy and brand strategy. Finally we will analyze the factors which make Manchester United Club successful.

Keyword: Manchester United Club, Football Clubs, Marketing Strategy, Factors of Success

目 录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章  绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2文献综述    2
1.2.1曼联研究综述    2
1.2.2 SWOT理论    2
1.3研究意义    3
1.4研究内容及理论框架    3

第二章 曼彻斯特联俱乐部发展历史和营销现状    5
2.1曼彻斯特联俱乐部的发展历史    5
2.2曼联的营销现状    7
2.3本章小结    7

第三章 曼联俱乐部营销环境分析    8
3.1外部环境分析    8
3.1.1经济环境    8
3.1.2社会文化环境    8
3.1.3技术环境    9
3.2竞争者分析    9
3.3内部环境分析    10
3.3.1出色的营销手段    11
3.3.2超强的“造星”能力    11
3.3.3神秘的氛围    11
3.3.4球迷组织大    12
3.3.5债务问题    12
3.4本章小结    12

第四章 曼联俱乐部营销策略分析    14
4.1产品策略    14
4.1.1产品种类多    14
4.1.2产品涉及的行业广    14
4.1.3产品质量要求严格    15
4.2促销策略    15
4.2.1利用球星进行传播    15
4.2.2利用公共关系进行宣传    15
4.3渠道策略    16
4.3.1.电视    16
4.3.2网站    16
4.3.3实体店    16
4.4品牌策略    17
4.4.1单一的品牌命名策略    17
4.4.2品牌宣传形式多样    17
4.4.3品牌与企业战略目标匹配    17
4.4.4球员特色    18
4.5本章小结    18

第五章 曼联营销策略的启示    19
5.1明星球员以及辉煌战绩    19
5.1.1辉煌的战绩    19
5.1.2明星球员    19
5.2全球化运作    20
5.3贴近消费者    21
5.3.1消费者服务调查    21
5.3.2实施客户关系管理    21
5.3.3球星出访    21
5.3.4增强球迷的归属感    21
5.4持续不断地创新    22
5.4.1创新的球队    22
5.4.2营销创新    22
5.5与赞助商合作共赢    22
5.5.1认真谨慎选择赞助商    22
5.5.2搞好和赞助商的合作关系    23
5.6注重年青生力军的培养    23
5.6.1自主培养青年生力军    23
5.6.2注重半成品明星加工    24
5.7本章小结    24
结 论    25
参考文献    26
致  谢    27
