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摘    要

关键词: 快餐,麦当劳,营销战略,消费者,生活方式

Introduction to the McDonald's marketing strategy
At present in many advanced countries in the world industrial structure are service oriented, so is China's future trend, catering industry through service innovation will be able to enhance the added value of service industry, is indispensable for needed for the future development of Chinese service industry. With the rapid development of social economy, people life water product increase gradually, and the influx of western fast food, fast-food industry vigorous development and prosperity. Adapt to consumers under the fast-paced way of life of the traditional diet is hard to meet the growing consumer demand, people pursue the convenient, quick, nutrition, health food. However, the emergence of the fast food industry accepted by consumers, the fast food industry more and more important role in the food industry. Fast food industry's development and prosperity not only enriched the broad consumer food choices, also speed up the development of social economy. McDonald's is the world's first restaurant brands and the world leader in retail food service industry, as one of the fast food industry leader, with its formulation and implementation of reasonable operation strategy, and thoughtful service, occupy the leading position in the competitive market, the enormous impact to the fast food industry and enlightenment.
Based on McDonald's as the research object, by understanding the fast food industry market environment, and McDonald's strategy environment, using the potter five models, methods of PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, the marketing strategy of McDonald's for specific analysis. Found why McDonald's success and there is some strategic problems, and puts forward concrete Suggestions for Chinese fast food in China.

KEYWORDS:fast food, McDonald's, marketing strategy, consumer and lifestyle
目    录
1 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 研究意义    1
1.3 论文研究方法    2
2 麦当劳战略环境分析    3
2.1 宏观环境    3
2.1.1 整治法律环境    3
2.1.2 经济环境    4
2.1.3 社会文化环境    4
2.1.4 技术环境    4
2.2 微观环境    5
2.2.1 供应商    5
2.2.2 替代品竞争    5
2.2.3 行业现有竞争者    6
2.2.4 顾客    7
2.3 麦当劳的swot分析    7
2.3.1 麦当劳的优势    7
2.3.2 麦当劳的劣势    7
2.3.3 麦当劳的机会    8
2.3.4 麦当劳的威胁    8
3 麦当劳STP战略分析    9
3.1 市场细分    9
3.2 目标市场    9
3.3 市场定位    9
4 麦当劳营销战略分析    11
4.1 麦当劳营销策略7Ps分析    11
4.1.1 产品策略    11
4.2 麦当劳品牌策略    15
4.2.1 “麦”进世界杯    15
4.2.2 麦当劳作为合作伙伴    16
4.2.3 为麦爱跑    16
4.3 对麦当劳营销策略建议    17
参考文献    18
后    记    19
