摘 要
关键词: 大学生网店营销,营销现状,问题,对策
Based on the present situation and the problems and countermeasures of college students' online marketing research
In recent years, with the development of network technology, network management on people's lives and enterprise operation has a great impact. Online marketing more and more get people's attention, it will come with the development of the Internet. University students' employment difficult in modern society, many graduating college students are in danger of unemployed to follow, so a lot of college students with a development of eye to look at the online store business, expectations through online marketing to expand our business. While the network is a platform for broader employment direction, but the problems cannot be ignored.This paper will take college students' online marketing as the research object, firstly the background and purpose of the thesis, and then analyzed online marketing situation of the theory of Internet marketing and online marketing is relatively detailed in this paper. Then analyses college students' online business, operating on the reason, the present situation, the advantages and disadvantages were studied. Finally will discuss problems and countermeasures of college students' online store management, points out the problem and solving measures are put forward.
KEYWORDS:College students' online marketing, marketing present situation, problems and countermeasures
目 录
1 网络营销概况 1
1.1 网络营销理论分析 1
1.1.1 网络营销的界定 1
1.1.2 网络营销的发展现状 2
1.1.3 网络营销的作用 5
1.2 网店营销理论分析 6
1.2.1 网店营销的界定 6
1.2.2 网店营销的管理过程 7
1.2.3 网店营销影响因素分析 7
2 大学生网店营销概况 8
2.1 大学生网店经营的原因 8
2.2 大学生网店经营的现状 8
2.2.1 个人开淘宝店居多 8
2.2.2 经营模式单一 9
2.2.3 资金少时间短 9
2.2.4 推广以免费为主 9
2.2.5 业绩堪忧 9
2.3 大学生网店经营的优势 9
2.4 大学生网店经营的劣势 10
3 大学生网店经营问题探索 11
3.1 虚假交易过剩 11
3.2 规划安排失当 11
3.3 缺少市场性的物资 11
3.4 缺乏宣传手段 12
3.5 网店投入时间过少 12
3.6 持续经营的网店逐渐减少 12
4 针对大学生网店营销问题提出的解决性措施 13
4.1 抓紧时间获取第一桶金 13
4.2 及时调整主营业务 13
4.3 重视产品宣传 14
4.4 合理规划时间 14
4.5 设立经营目标 14
参考文献 16
后 记 17 |