关键词: 旅游业 会展业 旅游会展业 VR营销
Research on Marketing Strategy of Tourism Exhibition Based on VR Technology
With the improvement of people's living standards, the development of tourism in China is becoming more and more rapid, which makes the development of tourism exhibition industry enter the period of rapid development. The tourism theme exhibition on the market is endless, which also highlights many disadvantages of tourism exhibition. And finally, these problems will hinder the further development of tourism exhibition seriously. Therefore, using the latest science technology VR to improve the development of tourism exhibition is worthy to have a try. From the perspective of the audience to make specific VR marketing strategy, and promote healthy development of tourism exhibition,which has a strong practical significance.
Based on the combination of theory and questionnaire, this paper studies the marketing strategy of tourism exhibition based on VR technology. The main contents include the following aspects.
The first chapter elaborates the research background, its meaning and the content, and introduces the frame structure of the whole text.
The second chapter introduces the related concepts of professional nouns in this paper, and makes a related literature review.
The third chapter analyzes the development of China's tourism exhibition industry, and the opportunities brought by the advent of VR.
The fourth chapter uses the questionnaire survey method. Research the potential exhibitors attitude to tourism exhibition and VR marketing and other aspects.The results are social awareness of tourism exhibition is not high, VR widely popular, VR can add a certain degree of tourism exhibition Attractive.
In the fifth chapter, according to the results of the survey,putting forward the relevant suggestions and corresponding strategy of VR marketing.
Key words:tourism;exhibition;tourism exhibition;VR marketing
目 录
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景与现状 1
1.2研究目的与内容 1
1.3全文结构框架 2
第二章 相关概念及国内外研究现状 3
2.1 相关概念 3
2.1.1旅游会展 3
2.1.2 VR与VR营销 3
2.2 国内外研究现状 4
2.2.1 国外文献研究现状 4
2.2.2 国内文献研究现状 4
第三章 国内旅游会展的现状分析 6
3.1国内旅游会展业的发展现状 6
3.2 VR虚拟现实为国内旅游会展业带来的机遇 7
第四章 旅游会展中的VR营销调查分析 10
4.1调查目的与问卷设计 10
4.2调查过程 10
4.3调研样本概况 10
4.4调研结果分析 10
4.4.1 调查对象基本信息分析 10
4.4.2 调研对象对展会态度的分析 13
4.4.3 调研对象对VR营销的态度分析 14
4.4.4 问卷结果总结 17
第五章 旅游会展中的VR营销策略 19
5.1 做好展前宣传和推广 19
5.1.1 加强旅游展会的宣传 19
5.1.2 增加VR技术基础知识的宣传 19
5.2 完善展间VR营销相关工作 20
5.2.1 保证现场设备齐全以及设备操作无障碍 20
5.2.2 专业人员现场操作指导 20
5.2.3 针对不同目标人群,设计不同VR虚拟场景 20
5.3做好展后客户的维护 20
5.3.1 保证现实产品与VR虚拟产品的一致性 20
5.3.2 定期向客户推送旅游产品信息 21
第六章 总结与展望 22
6.1总结 22
6.2 展望 22
参考文献 23
附录 参展观众对旅游展会使用VR营销的行为研究问卷调查 25
谢辞 28