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关键词: 旅游网络营销 江苏旅游 互联网 营销对策
The research on the development actuality and Countermeasure of the tourism network marketing in Jiangsu
The rapid development and extensive use of the Internet makes the traditional marketing mode of China's tourism industry a lot of change. Nowadays, the tourism network marketing is developing rapidly in China, which is the main mode of tourism marketing. And the huge potential of the development of tourism network marketing such as Jiangsu province.
This paper through the domestic and foreign tourism network marketing development status of the in-depth study and analysis of the development of tourism network marketing in Jiangsu status quo, Respectively from the region of Jiangsu Province, human resources, tourism resources analysis, summarizes the problems of Jiangsu Province in the development of tourism in the process of network marketing, and the proposed solutions, hope of Jiangsu tourism network marketing has good prospects for development.
Key Words: Tourism network marketing; Jiangsu Tourism; Internet; Marketing strategy

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 主要研究内容 1
第二章 文献综述 3
2.1 国内和国外旅游电子商务发展现状 3
2.1.1 国内发展现状 3
2.1.2 国外发展现状 5
2.2 旅游网络营销的含义及特点 6
2.2.1 旅游网络营销的含义 6
2.2.2 旅游网络营销的特点 6
第三章 江苏省旅游网络营销的发展现状 7
3.1 江苏省旅游电子商务地域发展现状 7
3.1.1 苏南发展现状 7
3.1.2 苏中发展现状 8
3.1.3 苏北发展现状 8
3.2 江苏省区域旅游经济发展现状 9
3.3 江苏省区域人力资源发展现状 11
第四章 江苏省旅游网络营销存在的问题分析 12
4.1 苏北地区旅游网络营销人才缺乏 12
4.2 江苏各市之间旅游资源整合,互补力度不够 12
4.3 苏北地区旅游欠缺包装与宣传 13
4.4 打造江苏旅游品牌意识不足 13
第五章 江苏省旅游网络营销发展对策 14
5.1 重视欠发达地区旅游人才的培养 14
5.2 加强江苏省内旅游资源整合并且优势资源互补 15
5.3 加快苏北地区旅游发展步伐 16
5.4 凸显江苏地域优势,打造江苏旅游品牌效应 17
第六章 结束语 20
6.1 总结 20
6.2 我国旅游电子商务的发展趋势 20
参考文献 22
致谢 24