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摘  要:随着我国零售业市场的全面开放,国外大型超市纷纷抢占国内零售业市场,国内连锁零售业的开始崛起,中国将成为国际零售业的主战场。中国本土连锁超市要在此竞争中胜出,应如何因地制宜,合理定位,选择适应自己发展的竞争战略和策略,我国连锁便利超市迫在眉睫的问题。锦和便利店作为超市零售业的一种,如何在如此激烈环境中发展所以本文对锦和便利店营销策略进行研究,通过SWOT分析锦和便利店的营销策略,并对锦和便利店的市场营销策略提出建议。

Study on Marketing Strategy of Jinhe Metro Store
Abstract: With the full liberalization of China's retail market, foreign supermarkets have to seize the domestic retail market, domestic retail chains began to rise, China will become the main battlefield of international retailing. Local Chinese supermarket chain to win in this competition, how should the local conditions, a reasonable position, choose their own development to adapt to the competitive strategy and tactics, our convenience store chain issues at stake. Jinhe convenience stores as a retail supermarket, how to develop it so intense environment, this paper Jinhe convenience stores marketing strategy research, SWOT analysis by Jinhe convenience store marketing strategy, and Jinhe convenience store market marketing strategy recommendations
Key words:Jinhe; marketing strategy; chain; convenience stores
