本文以东风某中型载货车的后轮制动系为研究对象,首先比较了盘式制动器和鼓式制动器的优缺点,进行了方案的选型,然后根据东风天锦中型货车 DFH1160BX1JVA的整车参数,进行鼓式制动器性能参数的确定,包括了同步附着系数、制动器的最大制动力矩,也利用Matlab绘制了I曲线等,之后进行了主要零部件的计算,包括制动底板、制动蹄、制动鼓等,同时利用Catia建立了三维模型,然后对制动器进行了设计校核,包括了磨损特性和比摩擦力的校核,之后进行了制动凸轮轴的设计、制动调整臂中的蜗轮蜗杆设计和制动驱动机构的选择与计算,然后利用Abaqus对简化了的装配模型进行了有限元分析,研究了鼓式制动器的热—结耦合状况,得到了制动鼓的应力云图和节点温度云图,进一步验证了建立的模型的准确性,同时也确保了货车能够达到有效的制动效能。
As one of the most important means of transportation in today's society, automobile is of great concern to its function and safety, and the braking system has ensured the safety of automobile driving. Therefore, it is necessary to design the brake system. In this paper, the rear wheel brake system of a medium-sized truck in Dongfeng is taken as the research object. The advantages and disadvantages of the disc brake and the drum brake are compared first. The selection of the scheme is carried out, and then the drum brake is carried out according to the vehicle parameters. The parameters of the determination, including the synchronization of the adhesion coefficient, the maximum brake braking torque, the use of Matlab to draw the I curve, and then the main parts of the calculation, including the brake floor, brake shoes, brake drums, etc. Using Catia to establish a three-dimensional model, the brake was also designed to check, including the wear characteristics and specific friction check. The design of the brake camshaft, the design of the worm gear in the brake adjustment arm and the selection and calculation of the brake drive mechanism are carried out. Then the finite element analysis of the simplified assembly model is carried out by using Abaqus.The results show that the accuracy of the model is verified, and the effective braking performance of the truck can be ensured by the heat-junction coupling analysis, the stress cloud and the node temperature cloud of the brake drum are obtained.
Key Words:drum brake;brake camshaft;heat - junction coupling analysis;brake drum
表3.1 东风天锦中型货车的整车参数
空载 满载
整车质量 6170kg 15800kg
质心至前轮的距离 2388mm 3165mm
质心至后轮的距离 2612mm 1835mm
质心高度 1180mm 1330mm
轴距 5000mm
最高车速 98km/h
轮胎 9.00R20
轮辋尺寸 508mm
车轮工作半径 358mm
根据相关文献,初步选取初始速度v=60km/h ,制动强度j=6.0m/s^2,地而附着系数φ=0.6

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 课题设计的内容 2
第2章制动器总体方案的确定 3
2.1制动器的分类及工作原理 3
2.2总体结构方案的比较 3
2.3鼓式制动器的分类及选择 4
第3章鼓式制动器主要参数的确定及设计计算 6
3.1制动系性能参数 6
3.1.1地面对前后轮的法向反作用力 6
3.1.2理想的制动力分配曲线 8
3.1.3同步附着系数 9
3.1.4制动器的最大制动力矩 10
3.2鼓式制动器主要结构参数的确定 10
3.3鼓式制动器主要零部件 12
3.4鼓式制动器的设计计算 13
3.4.1制动阻力矩 13
3.4.2领从蹄促动力的确定 17
3.4.3制动器效能因数 17
3.4.4制动器自锁检查 18
3.5制动器设计校核 18
3.5.1制动器的磨损特性的计算 18
3.5.2比摩擦力的计算 19
第4章制动器零部件和驱动机构的计算 20
4.1制动凸轮和凸轮轴 20
4.2制动调整臂中的调整蜗轮 22
4.3制动驱动机构的选择与计算 24
第5章制动过程中的数值模拟分析 26
5.1制动器的几何仿真模型及网格划分 26
5.2制动系统关键零部件材料的确定 27
5.3载荷与边界条件 28
5.4制动鼓的温度场及应力场分析 29
结论 31
参考文献 32
致谢 33
附录A 34
附录B 35