Sincetheinventionofthecar,ithasbeensteeringwithapartialwheel.But there are some hidden trouble in the structure design of vehicles using this steering method, which shows the importance and necessity of studying the dynamic differential steering mechanism. In this design, the main design is installed in the rear drive bridge between the wheel differential structure and semi-floating half-axis geometry, this paper also introduces the raw materials and related processing technology which are often used in differential production, and also introduces the development status of automobile differential at home and abroad. Therefore, the function and structure of the differential have a certain knowledge reserve, and the main parts of the vehicle differential force analysis and strength check. Through this design, master some professional knowledge of automobile differential. In the process of designing the differential, we need to look through some relevant materials, so we have a more comprehensive understanding of the basic principle and working mode of the differential.
Keywords: differential;steering mechanism; half shaft; bevel gear
序号 参数名称 数值 单位
1 汽车布置方式 前置后驱 --
2 总长 4320 mm
3 宽 1750 mm
4 轴距 2620 mm
5 前轮距 1455 mm
6 后轮距 1430 mm
7 整备质量 1480 kg
8 总质量 2100 kg
9 发动机型式 汽油直列四缸 --
序号 参数名称 数值 单位
10 排量 1.6 L
11 最大功率 76.0/5200 kW
12 最大转矩 158/4000 N•M
13 压缩比 8.7:1 --
14 离合器 摩擦式离合器 --
15 变速器档数 五档手动 --
16 轮胎类型与规格 185R14 km/h
17 转向器 液压助力转向 --
18 最高车速 140 km/h

1引言 1
1.1汽车差速器研究的背景及意义 1
1.2汽车差速器国内外研究现状 2
1.3本课题研究的内容 3
2差速器主要零件的设计 4
2.1差速器的作用及原理 4
2.1.1差速器的工作原理 4
2.1.2各半轴得到的转矩分析 5
2.2对称式圆锥齿轮差速器的设计 6
2.2.1转向助力装置的功能与选择 7
2.2.2制造差速器齿轮的材料选择 8
2.2.3差速器接受的计算转矩 9
2.2.4计算圆锥齿轮的球面半径 10
2.2.5锥齿轮的齿数选择 10
2.2.6差速器齿轮的模数及压力角的确定 11
2.2.7行星齿轮安装孔直径及其深度的确定 11
2.3差速器壳体的设计 15
3半轴的设计 17
3.半轴的情况说明 17
3.2制造半轴的材料选择 17
3.3半浮式半轴杆半径的确定 18
3.4半轴花键设计 20
4结论 22
谢辞 23
参考文献 24