来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D22474 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D22474
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摘 要
In this paper,we scan the Haval H2 front suspension with the portable three-dimensional laser scanner, and then use the special software to optimize the data. Then we will input the optimized data into the model design software CATIA,using the reverse engineering technology,to get the Haval H2 car front suspension model entity completing the geometric reconstruction process. Then the model of the Haval H2 front suspension will be analyzed in the ADAMS software. First, the front suspension model is simplified and the motion pair between the various components will be set. Finally, the excitation and force are applied to the front suspension system. The kinematics simulation mainly analyzes the change of the kingpin inclination angle, the kingpin inclination angle and the front wheel camber angle of the Haval H2 front suspension system.
In this paper, geometric reconstruction and performance analysis of the Haval H2 front suspension system are carried out and optimized.
The results show that the kinematic performance of the Haval H2 front suspension system is good.The angle of inclination of the main pin is so suitable that the steering angle is reasonable and the car also have the good straight driving function.The design of the front wheel camber allows the tire to wear evenly.
Key Words:Haval H2;reverse engineering;McPherson suspension
参数类型 数值(mm)
长 4335
宽 1814
高 1695
轴距 2560
横摆臂长 300
铰接点距离 273

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目标 1
1.3 研究过程与方法 1
1.4 论文结构安排 2
第2章 点云数据的采集 3
2.1引言 3
2.2悬架系统的计算 4
2.2.1悬架的刚度 5
2.2.2悬架的阻尼 5
2.2.3螺旋弹簧的计算 5
2.3采集的工具 6
2.4采集的方法 6
2.4小结 8
第3章 前悬架系统的几何重构 9
3.1引言 9
3.2软件的选择 9
3.3导入点云文件 9
3.4点云数据的优化处理 10
3.4.1激活点云 10
3.4.2移除点云 12
3.4.3过滤点云 13
3.5三角形网格化 14
3.5.1铺面 14
3.5.2平滑和清理网格 14
3.5.3补洞 15
3.6创建特征线 16
3.7曲面的创建与光顺 17
3.8模型实体化 18
3.9小结 19
第4章 悬架的运动学分析 20
4.1引言 20
4.2软件的选择 20
4.3创建模型 20
4.4设置硬点参数 21
4.5设置运动副 22
4.6运动学仿真分析 22
4.6.1主销内倾角的变化曲线 22
4.6.2主销后倾角的变化曲线 24
4.6.3前轮外倾角的变化曲线 25
第5章 结论 27
5.1本文总结 27
参考文献 28
附录A 29
致谢 30