摘 要
Fuel cell vehicles are receiving more attention as new energy vehicles, and their thermal management is very important. Based on PEM fuel cell, this paper studies the thermal management system of 100kW fuel cell vehicle, analyzes the research status and difficulties, and divides the vehicle thermal management system into three subsystems: fuel cell heat dissipation, power system heat dissipation and air conditioning refrigeration. The fuel cell is the key of thermal management.Determine the cooling mode, cooling circuit, working condition parameters of each system, and design the vehicle layout plan. Select the corresponding heat exchangers, and the tube-belt (louvered-fin) radiator and the parallel-flow condenser are used, and the structural size matching design and check are performed to complete the corresponding heat-dissipation target, and the heat dissipation system model is established by GT-cool, and the one-dimensional simulation operation is performed. The results meet the design requirements. Finally, the main components such as radiators and condenser were modeled and assembled with CATIA to complete the design.
Keywords:Fuel cell; vehicle thermal management; radiator; condenser

目录 1
第 1 章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 热管理内容概述 1
1.3 研究现状概述 2
1.3.1 热管理难点 2
1.3.2 国内外现状 3
1.4 论文主要工作 3
第 2 章 热管理系统设计方案 4
2.1 系统设计理论基础 4
2.1.1 散热方式选择 4
2.1.2 散热回路基本组件 4
2.2 系统参数确定 5
2.2.1 子系统划分 5
2.2.2 散热负荷及工况参数确定 6
2.3 总体布置方案 7
2.3.1 散热回路 7
2.3.2 空间布置 7
第 3 章 换热器匹配设计及一维仿真 9
3.1 换热器选型 9
3.1.1 散热器选型 9
3.1.2 冷凝器选型 9
3.2 电堆散热器匹配设计 10
3.2.1 设计基础参数确定 11
3.2.2 尺寸参数设计及校核 13
3.2.3 一维仿真 16
3.3 动力系统散热器匹配设计 21
3.3.1 设计基础参数确定 21
3.3.2 尺寸参数设计及校核 22
3.3.3 一维仿真 23
3.4 冷凝器匹配设计 24
3.4.1 流量参数确定 24
3.4.2 尺寸参数确定 24
第 4 章 三维模型建立 26
4.1 散热器及风扇总成 26
4.1.1 散热器总成 26
4.1.2 带风扇总成 28
4.2 冷凝器总成 30
4.3 散热件总布置 30
第 5 章 总结与展望 32
参考文献 33
致谢 35