摘 要
As environment and energy problemsarebecoming more and more important, improvingfuel economy of cars becomes a developmenttrend.Under the same technical condition, there is an obvious linear relationship between the car's fuel consumption and vehicle weight.The automobile fuel consumption increaseswith the increase of vehicle weight.Therefore, lightweight design for cars no doubt improves the fuel economy, and the door as an important part in the car body, its lightweight design is of great significance to reduce thecar’s total mass.
This paper focuses on lightweight optimization of the door so as to reduce the total weight of the vehicle andimprove fuel economy. The main contents of this optimization are as follows:
(1) Understand the size parameters and performance parameters of the existing intermediate automobile through the analysis, and determine the research benchmark, so as to prepare for the establishment of the door model and the finite element analysis and optimization.
(2) Design intermediate car doors, determine the door size and materials according to the established research benchmark, and then draw a 3d model. In the process of building a 3d model, safety, comfort and other indicators should be considered.
(3) Optimize the crashworthiness and lightweight of the modeled door, and further improve the door design through finite element analysis, so as to reduce its weight and improve performance.
Keywords:Lightweight; Door design; Finite element analysis

目录 1
第 1 章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外发展现状 1
第 2 章 车门设计 3
2.1 车门设计要求 3
2.2 车门类型选择 3
第 3 章 三维模型的建立 4
3.1 CATIA软件介绍 4
3.2 门体的确定 4
3.3 车门外板的确定 4
3.4 车门内板的确定 5
3.5 车门抗侧撞梁的确定 5
3.6 车门内饰板的确定 6
3.7 各部位连接方式的确定 6
3.8 三维模型的建立 7
3.9 本章小结 9
第 4 章 有限元基本原理及分析过程 10
4.1 有限元分析基本原理 10
4.2 有限元分析的基本过程 10
4.3 本章小结 11
第 5 章 内饰板的轻量化 12
5.1 引言 12
5.2 几何模型简化 12
5.3 网格划分 12
5.4 静压测试 13
5.5 结果分析 16
5.6 本章小结 16
第 6 章 内外板的轻量化 17
6.1 引言 17
6.2 网格划分 17
6.3 窗框刚度分析 18
6.4 车门内外带线刚度分析 18
6.5 抗凹性能分析 19
6.6 轻量化分析 20
6.7 本章小结 21
第 7 章 抗侧撞梁的轻量化 22
7.1 引言 22
7.2 网格划分 22
7.3 动力学分析 23
7.4 结果分析 23
7.5 本章小结 24
第 8 章 总结及展望 25
8.1 总结 25
8.2 展望 25
参考文献 27
附录 28
致谢 29