The development of smart driving is in full swing. Automatic lane changing is a typical driving behavior in smart driving and has very important research value. Key technologies for automatic lane change include environmental awareness,lane change strategy,and actuator control. Environmental perception is the basis of lane change. This paper first analyzes various types of sensors and compares the advantages and disadvantages of various types of sensors. In combination with the actual situation, it chooses a laser radar sensor as a sensing tool and loads it in the appropriate position of the master vehicle to sense the surrounding vehicles. Based on the previous research on the lane change model, the minimum safety distance model is determined as the focus of this study, and the first lane change safety distance model is established, including the lane change safety distance in the acceleration phase and the minimum safety distance following the simulation. In the model, the steering wheel angle is used as the main control, and the throttle opening control is used as the seconnd control. The model of the safety lane change control module is established using simulink, and the vehicle dynamics model and the driver model are imported into Simulink for simulation.
Based on the difference of the target lane with respect to the location and relative speed of the main vehicle, this paper designs that the target lane barrier vehicle is located at the left rear of the main vehicle with relative speeds of 2.5 m/s, 5.5 m/s, and 8.5 m/s. The lane changing rule for the left lane ahead of the target lane is very similar to that for the left lane. To facilitate the observation and comparison of the feasibility of the lane change strategy, a simplified simulation procedure is adopted to design the target lane vehicle to be located at the rear of the main vehicle with a relative speed of 20 m/ s verification and simulation analysis verify the feasibility and safety of the lane change decision model.
Keywords: automatic lane change behavior; minimum safety distance; lane change model

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 自动驾驶汽车研究现状 1
1.3 车辆自动换道行为研究现状 2
1.4 本文研究内容 3
第2章车辆自动换道行为关键技术 5
2.1 环境感知 5
2.1.1 激光雷达 5
2.1.2 相机 5
2.1.3 毫米波雷达传感器 5
2.1.4 超声波传感器 6
2.2 控制策略 6
2.3 执行器控制 6
2.4 本章小结 7
第3章自动换道决策模型的构建 8
3.1 车辆换道动机 8
3. 2 换道过程分析 9
3.3 对换道条件的判断 9
3.4 最小安全距离的定义 10
3.5 换道安全评价指标 10
3.6 安全换道模型的建立 12
3.6.1 M车与Fd车安全距离的确定 12
3.6.2 M车与Ld车安全距离的确定 14
3.6.3 安全跟车距离模型 15
3.6.4 最终安全换道距离的确定 15
3.7 换道决策规则 16
3.8 小结 16
第4章自动换道模型的仿真测试验证 18
4.1 软件介绍 18
4.2 搭建实验模拟场景 18
4.3 车辆换道决策模型的验证 19
4.3.1 M车与Fd车加速换道的验证 19
4.3.2 M车与Fd车加速换道仿真结果分析 26
4.3.3 M车与Ld车加速换道的验证 26
4.3.4 M车与Ld车加速换道仿真结果分析 29
4.4 小结 29
第5章结论与展望 31
5.1 结论 31
5.2 展望 31
参考文献 33
致谢 35