Electric vehicle is a kind of new power system vehicle,because of its smaller environmental impact than the traditional vehicle,it has a broad prospect.People generally regard it as the future transformation of the automotive power system .The electric vehicle driven by in-wheel motor ,with the advantage of integrative technology of mechanism and structure,will become an important research and development field of electric vehicle.
In this dissertation,I studied and analyzed the research status and main problem of electric vehicle driven by hub motor.Based on the existing disc hub motor,mainly design the motor shell and connection device. Accomplished the overall structure of driving wheel and solved the arrangement problem of spatial layout.
Firstly, I confirmed the basic dynamic requirements of the automobile basic model, selected the type of motor and driving method,then confirmed the main structure parts in the wheel, such as hub motor, hub bearing, brake device and suspension. Analyzed and compared the matching modes of the parts in the wheel, complete the overall layout design of the electric wheel, and carry out the three-dimensional assembly model of the hub wheel . Then the mechanical simulation of the designed driving wheel model is carried out to verify the safety and reliability of the design.
Keywords: electric vehicle, hub motor, structural design, mechanical simulation
2.4 驱动轮设计参数确定
通过2.1和2.2 的分析,可知直驱式轮毂电机结构紧凑,轴向尺寸小,但为获得适宜的工作转矩,电机径向尺寸增大,对应轮辋尺寸需求增大。
车辆主要参数名称 符号/单位 数值
汽车总质量 M/kg 1210
迎风面积 A/㎡ 2.1
滚动阻力系数 f/ 0.012
空气阻力系数 CD/ 0.4
轮胎规格 r/mm 200/75R16

目 录
第1章绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2 轮毂电机驱动技术的研究现状 1
1.2.1 国内外研究现状 1
1.2.2 轮毂电机驱动技术应用情况 2
1.2.3 轮毂电机驱动技术现存问题 3
1.3论文主要研究内容 4
第2章驱动轮设计目标与任务确定 4
2.1 轮毂驱动电机比较 4
2.2 轮毂电机结构形式确定 5
2.2.1永磁无刷定子结构 5
2.2.2永磁无刷电机永磁体 6
2.3 轮毂电机驱动方式选择 7
2.4 驱动轮设计参数确定 9
2.5本章小结 10
第3章 盘式轮毂驱动轮机械结构设计 10
3.1直驱式轮毂电机工作原理 10
3.2轮毂电机的散热方案确定 10
3.3 车轮设计要求及方法 10
3.3.1 设计要求 10
3.3.2 设计方法 11
3.4 驱动轮结构造型设计 12
3.4.1 永磁电机结构 13
3.4.2 轮辋结构设计 13
3.4.3 轮毂轴承结构形式 14
3.5 电动轮制动装置 16
3.6 电动轮连接装置 17
3.7 本章小结 18
第4章 轮毂有限元分析 19
4.1轮毂受力分析 19
4.2轮毂材料的选择 20
4.3加载分析 21
4.4主轴校核 23
4.5 本章小结 24
第5章 总结与展望 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 26