The problem of energy shortage is serious nowadays, so it is urgent to develop electric vehicles. The short battery life is the key reason that restricts the development of electric vehicles, and the development and design of brake energy recovery technology can make electric vehicles recover some of the energy and thus improve the vehicle's cruising range. In order to test the performance of the brake energy recovery system, it is necessary to develop a corresponding test bench and test the energy recovery system of the electric vehicle before the vehicle is put into production. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop an energy recovery test bench.
This paper introduces the principle of braking energy recovery system for electric passenger cars, determines the design of the test bench, and draws the assembly drawing of the overall test bench and the parts drawings of some key parts. The commissioning specifications for the system's debugging bench were developed, and a series of test procedures and precautions were established, providing a powerful way to find the optimal solution for energy recovery efficiency. And select the key parts of the test bench. Finally, the grid was analyzed by ANSYS and the reliability of the gantry was verified. The results show that the test bench meets the relevant requirements.
Keyword:Electric vehicle; Brake energy recovery; Test bench; Design;check
§2.2.2 试验台的功能

第一章 绪论 1
§1.1 课题研究的背景 1
§1.2 电动汽车制动能量回收试验台研究及意义 1
第二章 制动能量回收系统调试台架设计方案 3
§2.1 调试台架整体设计思想 3
§2.2 能量回收台架的设计方案 3
第三章 制动能量回收系统调试台架器材选型 5
§3.1直流电机 5
1)电机额定功率选择 5
2) 电机额定转速选择 5
3) 电机的机械特性 5
§3.2 转矩转速传感器 6
§3.3飞轮组设计 7
§3.4测功机的选择 8
第四章 制动能量回收系统台架的结构设计及计算 9
§4.1试验台总体布置 9
§4.2试验台的工作原理 9
§4.3实验台架结构的计算与校核 9
第五章 制动能量回收系统台架试验规范 13
§5.1试验方法 13
§5.2实验步骤 13
第六章 结论与展望 14
§6.1结论 14
§6.2展望 14
参考文献 15
致 谢 18