The electric power steering system adds a motor output power to the mechanical energy on the original mechanical steering system to assist the power. To a large extent, it relies on electronic control devices to transform electrical energy into mechanical energy to help drivers complete their steering tasks, so as to obtain steering portability. It mainly uses electronic control devices to help drivers turn to get the best steering force characteristics. The electric power steering system uses the power generated by the motor to assist the driver in the power steering. The electric power steering system consists of three parts: control part, execution part and procedure. Automotive electric power steering system is a new system that helps drivers turn to the forefront of technology. The significance of the power steering is that it can significantly improve the performance of the car, improve the driver's ride comfort and driving comfort in the course of driving, and reduce the environmental pollution properly. Electric power steering system is a trend in the future development of vehicle steering system. Not only is the cost of the manufacturing low, the energy consumption is reduced, but also the environmental pollution is greatly reduced, and it can guarantee the power steering in all the working conditions, which greatly improves the driving safety, the assembly is simple, the manipulation is light, and the stability of the driving is improved.
Electric power steering system is a vehicle steering system that combines mechanical transmission and motor assistance.
This paper mainly deals with the research on the electric power steering system of Buick 7152 type automobile, including the design and checking of the steering wheel, the steering axis, the gear and rack steering gear and the drawing of the three-dimensional and two-dimensional maps using the software of CATIA and CAD.
Key words: electric power steering system; rack and pinion steering gear;
车辆数据 :
车 型 :别克英朗7152型
驱动方式 :前置前驱
总 质 量(Kg):1770
轴 距(mm):2700
前轮距(mm):1534 后轮距(mm):1552
对动力转向机构的要求:工作灵敏。转向盘有自动回正功能。方向盘转角与转向轮转角之间在运动学上要相应成比例。当动力转向发生故障时,转向系统仍可使车辆正常进行转向操作。车辆进行转向时,驾驶员作用在方向盘上的切向力不应大于150-200 N。操纵轻便当汽车路面行驶过程中受到地面的冲击时,传递给方向盘的反向冲击应尽可能小。

摘要 I
第1章绪论 1
1.1转向系统简介 1
1.1.1 转向系的设计要求 1
1.2 EPS的特点及发展现状 2
1.2.1 EPS的特点 2
1.3本课题的研究目的及意义 2
1.4 本章小结 3
第2章电动助力转向系统的组成 4
2.1电动助力转向系统的机理及类型 4
2.1.1电动助力转向系统的类型 5
2.2电动助力转向系统的各主要组成部件部件及其选型 7
2.3电动助力转向特性 10
2.4 本章小结 11
第3章 电动助力转向系设计方案选定 12
3.1 车辆相关数据及设计要求 12
3.2转向轴的设计和校核 12
3.2.1 转向轴的设计 12
3.2.2 转向轴的校核 14
3.3齿轮齿条式转向器的设计 16
3.3.1转向轮侧偏角计算 16
3.3.2 转向器转向阻力矩的计算 17
3.3.3 计算转向器的角传动比和力传动比 18
3.3.4齿轮齿条的设计 20
3.3.5转向横拉杆的运动分析介绍 26
3.3.6齿轮齿条传动受力分析 27
3.3.7齿轮轴的强度校核 28
3.4 本章小结 30
第4章结论 31
参考文献 32
附录A 33
附录B 35
致谢 37