摘 要
本文以某纯电动皮卡车为研究对象,首先按照所给车型的布置形式和结构尺寸,进行齿轮齿条转向器的设计,然后进行电动助力转向方案的选择,最后进行齿条助力式转向系统的设计,对小齿轮、齿条进行强度校核,并校核电机功率和扭矩。选择合理的助力特性曲线。然后重点进行了转向系统的结构参数设计计算,并对小齿轮进行结构设计,用 MATLAB进行了转向梯形的优化设计, 解决了转向系统“轻”与“灵”的矛盾。在转向系统设计完成后,进行前悬架的设计和计算。本设计中的纯电动皮卡选用的是麦弗逊式独立前悬架和后置后驱的布置形式,因此没有物理意义上的前桥。 在悬架设计中分别进行了弹簧、减振器、横向稳定杆的设计计算,并排除了转向系统和悬架系统的干涉,验证了减振器活塞杆的强度。
The main contents of this design are that according to the important parameters of a given pure electric pickup truck to complete matching and structural design of the electric power steering system and the design of the front axle.
This article takes a pure electric pickup truck as the research object. Firstly, according to the layout and structure size of the given vehicle model, the design of the rack and pinion steering gear is carried out. Then the selection of the electric power steering scheme is performed, and finally the rack-assisted steering system is performed. Design, check the strength of pinions and racks and check motor power and torque. Choose a reasonable boost characteristic curve. Then, the structural parameters of the steering system were designed and calculated, and the pinion gears were structurally designed. The optimized design of steering trapezoids was implemented by MATLAB, and the contradiction between the "light" and "flexible" of the steering system was solved. After the steering system design is completed, the design and calculation of the front suspension are performed. The pure electric pickup in this design is McPherson independent front suspension and RR, so there is no physical front axle. In the suspension design, the design calculations of the spring, the shock absorber and the stabilizer bar were separately performed, and the interference between the steering system and the suspension system was eliminated, and the strength of the shock absorber piston rod was verified.
Finally, using CATIA for 3D modeling, using AUTOCAD to draw the steering system and the front suspension assembly diagram and the main parts of the engineering drawing.
Keywords: electric power steering; rack and pinion diverter; McPherson suspension; three-dimensional modeling;
名称 参数
轮距(前/后) 1460mm/1435mm
轴距 3020mm
整备质量 2000kg
满载轴荷分配:前/后 1125/1375(kg)
轮胎型号 215/75 R15
主销偏移距a 55mm
轮胎压力p 0.23Mpa

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究的目的和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3本文主要研究内容 2
第2章 电动助力转向系统设计 3
2.1齿轮齿条转向器设计 4
2.1.1布置形式的选择 5
2.1.2车型相关参数选择与计算 6
2.1.3转向器参数的选择与计算 7
2.1.4齿轮轴及齿条设计 9
2.1.5转向传动机构设计 10
2.2助力系统设计 11
2.2.1助力电机选择 13
2.2.2减速机构 13
2.2.3助力曲线和传感器选择 14
2.3 本章小结 15
第3章 前桥设计 16
3.1悬架系统重要参数的计算 16
3.2悬架系统重要零部件设计计算 17
3.2.1螺旋弹簧参数计算 17
3.2.2减振器计算 19
3.2.3横向稳定杆及副车架 20
3.3 本章小结 21
第4章 结论 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 24
附录A 25