Automobile main reducer is one of the main components in automobile transmission system. Its function is to increase the input torque and reduce the speed accordingly. When the engine is mounted vertically, it can also change the torque direction.
The design of the first stage final drive of the 11t truck was carried out on the basis of the vehicle data of the single row of free tiger v. The main speed reducer design main content includes: the structure of main reducer design, the load calculation, the gear parameters design, bending strength and contact fatigue strength check, modal analysis and finite element analysis of gear meshing, the gear model and its bearing life calculation is determined. While designing the main decelerator parameters, it also describes how the main decelerator works and how it works in the car drive system.
The design of the main reducer will be directly related to the power, economy and noise of the car. In order to achieve the best performance of the designed main speed reducer, I adopted catia 3d software for 3d modeling. Meanwhile, I compare the structure with the main reducer in the form of different types of main reducer, and summarize the appropriate type of components for each type of final drive, so as to optimize the design of the final drive. The finite element mesh analysis and modal analysis of the gears were analyzed by abaqus software, and the regularity of gear transmission was analyzed.
Key words: truck, main reducer, finite element analysis, modal analysis
最大输出功率 115kw
整车质量 4.6t
额定载重 6.4t
额定转速 3200r/min
最高车速 85km/h
满载质量 11t
最大扭矩 491N.m
轮胎规格 8.25R20

第一章 绪论 1
第二章 主减速器设计 2
2.1原始参数 2
2.2主减速器的结构方案分析 3
2.2.1 主减速器的齿轮类型的选择 3
2.2.2主减速器结构形式的选择 4
2.2.3齿轮支撑方案的选择 4
2.3主减速器主减速比和载荷确定 5
2.3.1主减速器主减速比的确定 5
2.3.2主减速器计算载荷的确定 5
2.4齿轮各项基本参数的选择 7
2.4.1齿轮轮齿数目的选择 7
2.4.2从动锥齿轮大端节圆直径的选择 8
2.4.3从动锥齿轮端面模数的选择 8
2.4.4 主动锥轮齿面宽的选择 8
2.4.5 偏移距E及偏移方向的选择 9
2.4.6中点螺旋角的选择 9
2.4.7齿轮螺旋方向的选择 10
2.4.8齿轮法向压力角的选择 10
2.5 双曲面齿轮几何尺寸计算 10
2.6 锥齿轮材料的选择 15
第三章 主减速器锥齿轮强度校核计算 17
3.1单位齿长上的圆周力 17
3.2校核齿轮的弯曲强度 17
3.3校核齿轮的接触强度 19
第四章 主减速器锥齿轮轴承的计算 21
4.1主动齿轮的当量转矩 21
4.2齿轮齿宽中点处的圆周力 22
4.3主减速器轴承载荷的计算 23
4.4主减速器轴承的寿命计算 24
第五章 双曲线锥齿轮有限元分析和模态分析 26
5.1有限元分析 26
5.2模态分析 38
附录A 计算编程 45
参考文献 55
致 谢 56