摘 要
The parking brake is a braking device that is used to stabilize the vehicle and prevent the car from sliding when the vehicle is parked. The reliability of the vehicle brake system is the main indicator to evaluate the performance of the car, and its using performance directly affects the safety of the car when parking brake. If the adjustment process is unreasonable, it will lead to insufficient vehicle parking brake force, or the automatic adjustment clearance of the brake caliper is too small, and then bring about problems such as the wheel brake force is too large, brake delay and other issues, affecting vehicle reliability. The use of automatic adjustment equipment can reduce the drag torque of the vehicle and improve the fuel economy and power of the vehicle. It has important economic value. It is an inevitable trend and objective need to develop a parking brake on-line installation and adjustment system that meets the requirements of automobile assembly and production. At the same time, the system can improve the quality of automobile products, reduce the failure rate, improve the safety of vehicles, and has practical application value.
By analyzing the structure and working principle of the parking brake system and parking brake handle, comparing the manual adjustment process of the parking brake and analyzing its defects, an on-line parking brake adjustment system was designed. The paper mainly studied several aspects:
(1) Introduce the structure and principle of the parking brake system. Through understanding and analyzing the manual adjustment method of the brake system, the defects existing in the brake system are found out, and the basic conception of the design of on-line installation and adjustment equipment system of parking brake is carried out.
(2) According to the requirements of the on-line installation and adjustment equipment system and the calculation of the torque required in the adjustment process of the parking braking system, the servo motor, reducer and torque sensor used in the equipment are selected.
(3) According to the structure of brake handle and automobile inner bottom plate, non-standard parts such as handle gripper, ratchet lock release device, special support for adjusting nut operation mechanism and fixing device for torque sensor are designed. At the same time, the turning problem of the steering mechanism is found through the force analysis of the brake handle control mechanism, and the corresponding solution is put forward. Finally, the handle gripper is analyzed by using WORKBENCH, and the structure of the handle gripper is improved according to the analysis results.
(4) On the basis of the LabVIEW platform, the software realization of the installation and adjustment system is completed, which mainly includes the motion control of the brake handle, the adjustment of the adjusting nut and the storage and reading of the data. At the same time, starting from the whole workflow, the necessity of sudden stop and the corresponding strategy are considered, and the control strategy of automatically terminating the program in the case of torque overload is also considered.
The research results show that the on-line installation and adjustment system of parking brake can make up for the defects of poor consistency and low precision in manual adjustment, and greatly improve the quality and efficiency of installation and adjustment, so it has a high engineering application value.
The characteristics of this article: hierarchical, reliable data, simple text, thorough explanation, rigorous reasoning, correct argument.
Key words:Parking brake,Online adjustment, LabVIEW ,Control strategy

第一章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 目的及意义 2
1.3 国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1 国外研究现状 3
1.3.2 国内研究现状 4
1.4 课题研究内容 6
1.5 预期目标 6
1.6 本章小结 6
第2章驻车制动在线调整设备系统的理论研究 7
2.1 驻车制动系统的研究 7
2.2 驻车制动手柄的研究 8
2.3 驻车制动系统人工调整工艺的研究 9
2.4 在线装调系统的设计方案 10
2.4.1 在线装调的工艺流程 10
2.4.2 驻车制动器在线装调设备 10
2.4.3 驻车制动在线装调系统工作流程 11
2.5 本章小结 12
第3章在线装调系统的硬件 13
3.1 在线装调系统的要求 13
3.2标准件的选型 13
3.2.1 伺服电机 13
3.2.2 减速机 16
3.2.3 扭矩传感器 17
3.3 非标准件的设计 18
3.3.1 驻车制动手柄抓持器 18
3.3.2 驻车制动手柄棘轮锁释放器 20
3.3.3 扭矩传感器固定支架 21
3.4 调整螺母的操纵机构固定支架 23
3.5 手柄抓持器的各项分析 25
3.5.1 驻车制动手柄转动角度误差分析 25
3.5.2 驻车制动手柄抓持器的有限元分析 27
3.6 驻车制动手柄操纵机构的翻转分析 28
3.7 本章小结 33
第4章在线装调设备系统的软件开发 34
4.1 后面板介绍 34
4.2 前面板介绍 42
4.3 本章小结 42
第5章结论 44
5.1 研究总结 44
5.2 研究展望 45
致谢 46
参考文献 47