摘 要
A car runs on the road, and its engine can reach up to 3000 revolutions per minute, and to make its speed reach such a speed in a short time, the gear must have a large transmission ratio. And when the transmission is relatively large, it will cause certain design difficulties. It is easy to think that the gear ratio becomes larger, the radius of the gear will increase, the radius of the gear becomes larger, the size of the gearbox loading gear will become larger, so that the space of the parts of the car will be very narrow. While reducing the speed, the torque of the transmission will inevitably increase, and the internal load will increase linearly with the increase of torque. In solving this problem, the main reducer has an irreplaceable role and status.
We know through books that the main decelerator has two major functions: one is the drive ratio that can change the car's position at random, and the other is the direction that can change the force. This can effectively solve the above problem. We know that the output of the transmission is the torque rotation of a longitudinal axis. This time, in order to transfer the power to the wheel of the axle, it is necessary to have a device to change the direction of the car's power, and the internal load will also need to be adjusted. The transmission ratio is used to alleviate the internal load of the car. After the main reducer changes the transmission ratio, the requirement of the transmission capacity will be reduced, so the size of the transmission is reduced and the layout of the vehicle is more reasonable.
This design is designed to use the Wuling Hongguang minibus and design the driving axle. The driving axle of the vehicle can learn from its relevant data that its reducer has the characteristics of small volume, small quality and simple structure. It is also very simple in manufacturing, so it has applications in many cars, and is generally used in small and medium-sized cars.
Key Words: final drive;final drive ratio;driving gear;driven gear

摘 要 1
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 驱动桥的种类和结构 1
1.1.1 汽车车桥的种类 1
1.1.2 驱动桥的结构 1
1.2 设计内容 1
第2章 主减速器方案选取 3
2.1 主减速器形式 3
2.1.1 主减速器齿轮传动类型 3
2.1.2 主减速器减速方案的选取 4
2.1.3 齿轮的支承方式 5
2.2 主减速器各项参数计算 7
2.2.1 主减速器承载压力 7
2.2.2 齿轮主要数据 9
2.2.3 主从动齿轮的材质选择及其加热处理 10
2.2.4 轴承的载荷计算 10
第3章 差速器设计 15
3.1 差速器的结构形式选择 15
3.2 差速器的结构 16
3.3 差速器的设计 17
3.3.1 差速器齿轮的基本参数的选择 17
3.3.2 几何参数计算 19
3.3.3 强度计算 20
第4章 驱动半轴结构方案选择及计算 21
4.1 半轴的种类及特点 21
4.3 半轴杆直径的计算 23
4.4 半轴的强度及其计算 23
4.5 半轴花键的计算 24
4.5.1 花键尺寸参数的计算 24
4.5.2 花键的校核 25
第5章.汽车驱动桥外壳的设计计算 27
5.1车轴力分析和强度计算 27
5.1.1 当车辆以最大牵引力行驶时轴壳强度的计算 27
5.1.2 计算最大侧向力下的轴壳强度 28
5.1.3 不均匀道路冲击荷载下轴壳强度的计算 28
5.2 本章小结 29
结 论 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 31