The braking system plays an important role in ensuring the safety of the vehicle. There is a thermo-mechanical coupling process in the braking process due to friction heat generation, and its effect results have an impact on the braking efficiency and service life of the brake. It is of great significance for the development of disc brake to master the design idea of disc brake and to conduct thermo-mechanical coupling simulation analysis of disc brake.
The main contents of this paper are as follows:
Firstly, the important theoretical parameters of the brake are calculated and checked according to the basic parameters of the vehicle, and the three-dimensional model of the disc brake is established by using the CAD software SW.
Then we learn the theory of thermo-mechanical coupling, including the definition and algorithm of contact, the theory of friction heat generation and the theory of heat conduction and thermal boundary. The operation of ABAQUS simulation software is studied to lay a good foundation for the thermal-mechanical coupling simulation of disc brake.
Secondly, the thermo-mechanical coupling transient analysis model is established in ABAQUS, the thermo-mechanical coupling characteristics of ventilated disc brake are explored, the basic properties of materials are set up in the software and the grid of the model is scientifically divided, the boundary conditions are well constrained, and the thermo-mechanical coupling simulation is started.
Finally, the temperature field and strain distribution in the simulation results are analyzed, and the rules and causes of the results are explored. Then summarize the whole paper and get the conclusion of this design.
KEY WORDS:Disc Brake, Thermal-Mechanical Coupling Analysis, Temperature Field, Thermal Strain
表3.1 整车参数表
代号 数值 单位
空/满载质量 m,/m 3220/6000 kg
轴距(满载) L 3360 mm
空/满载质心高 hg,/hg 650/840 mm
空载前轴荷 m01 1820 kg
满载前轴荷 mf1 2400 kg
轮辋直径 D 16 in
空载质心到后轴距离 L2, 1900 mm
满载质心到后轴距离 L2 1344 mm

第1章绪论 1
1.1课题的研究背景与意义 1
1.1.1盘式制动器组成与工作原理简介 1
1.1.2盘式制动器热力耦合现象简介 2
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 3
1.3本文主要工作 3
1.4本章小结 4
第2章热力耦合相关理论 5
2.1接触理论 5
2.1.1 ABAQUS中接触概念 5
2.1.2 ABAQUS中的接触算法 6
2.2摩擦生热理论 6
2.3热传导与热边界 7
2.4本章小结 7
第3章盘式制动器设计 8
3.1主要参数计算及选择 8
3.1.1汽车整车参数选择 8
3.1.2制动器参数计算 8
3.2盘式制动器主要零件设计 14
3.2.1制动盘主要参数计算 14
3.2.2制动片主要参数计算 15
3.2.3制动器零件结构设计 17
3.3液压制动机构设计 18
3.3.1制动轮缸 18
3.3.2制动主缸 19
3.3.3制动踏板力 19
3.3.4踏板行程 20
3.4本章小结 20
第4章盘式制动器热力耦合分析 21
4.1几何模型简化处理 21
4.2热力耦合有限元模型设定 21
4.2.1基本假设 21
4.2.2材料属性 21
4.2.3网格划分 22
4.2.4相关边界条件设定 22
4.3热力耦合仿真结果分析 23
4.3.1制动器温度场变化特性及分布特性 23
4.3.2制动盘应变变化特性 27
4.4本章小结 29
第5章总结和展望 30
5.1总结 30
5.2展望 30
参考文献 31
致 谢 32