摘 要
With the rapid growth of the number of cars in the world, cars have brought convenience to people's lives, and have also caused a series of problems such as traffic congestion and frequent traffic accidents. The purpose of this thesis is to reduce the pressure on logistics personnel and the site for the reliability and safety of logistics, and to study an electric vehicle capable of driving and driving automatically, so that the self-driving car can safely and accurately transport the goods to the target position.
First,this paper expounds the research significance of micro-unmanned electric logistics vehicles and the status quo of unmanned electric logistics vehicles at home and abroad. The demand for miniature driverless electric logistics vehicles was analyzed and designed. The power demand of the unmanned electric logistics vehicle was studied, and the calculation of the maximum speed and the maximum grade was carried out. The advantages and disadvantages of the motor layout method were analyzed and selected.
Second,after determining the model and size of the transaxle, select the battery of the appropriate size according to the voltage required by the transaxle and the size of the vehicle.
Finally,according to the needs of the whole vehicle and the function of the frame, the space requirements of the parts and battery packs and controllers, calculate the design frame and simulate the check. According to the quality of the whole vehicle and the requirements of the suspension, the front and rear suspensions were selected, combined with the steering, the braking system was used to obtain the overall layout design of the whole vehicle, and the overall layout drawing and shape design renderings of the whole vehicle were drawn.
Keywords:driverless vehicle;electric vehicle;logistics vehicle; layout design

第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外微型无人驾驶电动物流车发展现状 1
1.3 课题主要研究内容 3
第2章 总布置设计设计理论、设计方案 5
2.1 总布置设计内容及原则 5
2.2 设计理论 6
第3章 总体设计计算和驱动电机选型 7
3.1 整车数据确定 7
3.1.1 整车整备质量m0估算 7
3.2 驱动电机的选型 8
3.2.1驱动电机的功率 8
3.2.2驱动电机转速与转矩的选择 9
3.3动力性计算GUI 11
第4章 底盘与车身的设计 13
4.1 车架的设计 13
4.1.1 微型无人驾驶电动物流车的轮距的确定 13
4.1.2 微型无人驾驶电动物流车的轴距确定 14
4.1.3 车轮的选型 14
4.1.4微型无人驾驶电动物流车通过性参数 15
4.1.5 微型无人驾驶电动物流车的转弯半径 16
4.1.6 微型无人驾驶电动物流车的整车参数 16
4.1.7微型无人驾驶电动物流车的车架设计 17
4.2 悬架的设计 17
4.2.1前、后悬架静挠度与动挠度的计算 17
4.2.2 前后悬架的选取 18
4.3 车身的设计 21
4.3.1 车身尺寸的确定 21
4.3.2车身造型 22
4.4 车架有限元分析应力仿真 23
4.5 转向系统的布置 23
4.6 微型无人驾驶电动物流车外形 24
第5章 总结与展望 25
参考文献 26
附录A 28
致谢 30