The hub motor or wheel-side motor-driven electric vehicle has the unique advantages of simple and compact structure, high efficiency and energy saving of the transmission system, independent controllable driving and braking torque. Itrepresents an important direction for the development of the next generation electric vehicle.
In the design study of this paper, the object is an off-road vehicle with four-wheel distributed drive. The main design task is the structure of its hub drive unit. By referring to the literature on the development of wheel hub motors or wheel-side motor vehicles, this paper designs the hub drive unit from the selection of the motor to the design of the reducer, and completes the power transmission from the motor to the wheel hub of the entire hub drive unit Matching and model building.
In this paper, the main research contents include the following aspects:
Firstly, the technical parameters of the off-road vehicle and the power-related vehicle are clarified. According to the design requirements, the transmission ratio of the hub drive unit is initially selected, the selection of the motor is completed, and the power of the vehicle is calculated.
Secondly, according to the working requirements of the hub drive unit, the parameter design calculation of the planetary gear reducer is carried out, the parameters of all the components of the reducer are determined, and the strength check of all gear pairs is completed, and the CATIA software is used to complete the establishment and assembly of a complete model from the motor to the wheel.
Finally, the ANSYS software is used to analyze the mechanical components of the core components of the hub drive unit to evaluate the feasibility and rationality of the design.
Through the analysis and research in this paper, the mechanism of the hub drive unit of an off-road vehicle is completely designed, and the mechanism is verified to meet the requirements of strength and power.
KeyWords:Hub drive unit;Dynamic matching;Planetary reducer;Stress Analysis
2.1 整车参数
表2.1 整车参数汇总表
整车参数 数值
最高车速(km/h) 120
百公里加速时间(s) 6
整车整备质量(kg) 1400
总质量(kg) 1750
爬坡度(%) 60
轮胎型号 245/75 R17
滚动阻力系数 0.012
长*宽*高(mm) 4585*1855*1679
迎风面积(m^2) 3.089
空气阻力系数 0.40
整车传动系统效率 0.92
整车旋转质量惯性系数 1.05

目 录
第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究的背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外的研究现状 1
1.3 本文研究内容 1
第2章传动比的初步确定 3
2.1 整车参数 3
2.2传动比的初步确定 3
2.3本章小结 4
第3章电机参数的确定 5
3.1 计算电机额定功率和额定转矩 5
3.2计算电机峰值功率和峰值转矩 6
3.3选择合适的电机 7
3.4本章小结 9
第4章轮毂驱动单元主要参数验算 10
4.1最大爬坡度的验算 10
4.2最小传动比的验算 13
4.3本章小结 13
第5章行星齿轮参数的确定 14
5.1行星齿轮设计初始条件 14
5.2减速器设计计算 14
5.2.1 行星齿轮传动类型和传动简图的选取 14
5.2.2 配齿计算 14
5.2.3 齿轮主要参数的初步计算 15
5.2.4 啮合参数计算 16
5.2.5 几何尺寸的计算 17
5.2.6 装配条件的验算 18
5..3 减速器的分析与校核 19
5.3.1 传动效率的计算 19
5.3.2 行星齿轮传动的转速分析 20
5.3.3 行星齿轮传动的受力分析 20
5.3.4 齿轮接触强度验算 23
5.3.5 齿根弯曲强度验算 27
5.4 减速器的结构设计 32
5.4.1 均载机构的确立 32
5.4.2 中心轮的结构及其支承结构 32
5.4.3 行星轮的结构及其支承结构 33
5.4.4 转臂的结构及其支承结构 34
5.4.5 机体的结构设计 35
5.4.6 减速器附件设计 35
5.5本章小结 35
第6章驱动单元各齿轮的静力有限元分析 36
6.1有限元分析 36
6.2本章小结 38
第7章总结与展望 39
7.1总结 39
7.2展望 39
参考文献 40
致谢 42