In the global development trend of energy saving, miniaturization and lightweight, the application of electric power steering (EPS) has gradually become the mainstream of automotive steering system technology, especially in the field of new energy and electric drive passenger cars.
The electric power steering system can provide steering assistance to the driver according to the steering wheel torque, steering wheel angle, vehicle speed and road condition, which makes the steering easier and softer. In addition, the vehicle has good ability to maintain and suppress the bumpy road reaction. The ability to ensure the road feel under all driving conditions.
As a new type of automotive power steering system, the electric power steering system of the automobile is directly assisted by the electric motor compared with the conventional hydraulic steering system, and only supplies energy during steering, and the energy consumption is significantly reduced. In recent years, many medium and high-end cars have been equipped with power steering system devices. EPS research has become one of the hot topics in the automotive industry, with important research value and great potential application prospects.
In this paper, the structural types of the Geely Bo Yue electric power steering system and its components are analyzed and the components are designed and calculated. The main methods and theories adopt the curriculum content of the automobile design and mechanical design studied by the university, and have been summarized and summarized.
Key Words:electric power steering;rack and pinion steering gear;steering system;EPS

目 录
摘要 3
第1章绪论 1
1.1 汽车转向系统概述 1
1.2 EPS的特点及发展现状 1
1.2.1 EPS的特点 1
1.2.2 EPS的国内外发展现状 2
1.2.3 本课题的研究目的与意义 2
本章小结 3
第2章EPS的总体组成 4
2.1 EPS的机理与类型 4
2.1.1 EPS的机理 4
2.1.2 EPS的类型 5
2.2 电动助力转向系统的部件结构 6
2.2.1 转向力矩传感器 6
2.2.2 电动机 6
2.2.3 减速机构 7
2.2.4 电子控制单元(ECU) 7
2.3 电动助力转向的助力特性 7
本章小结 8
第3章吉利博越电动助力转向系统的设计 9
3.1 吉利博越整车参数 9
3.2 转向器的选取 9
3.3 转向器设计与计算 10
3.3.1 确定载荷 10
3.3.2 角传动比与力传动比 11
3.4 齿轮设计 12
3.4.1 齿轮参数初选 12
3.4.2 齿轮几何尺寸的确定 12
3.5 齿条的设计 13
3.6 齿轮强度计算 14
3.6.1 齿轮精度等级、材料及参数的选择 14
3.6.2 齿轮的齿根弯曲强度校核 14
3.6.3 齿面接触疲劳强度校核 15
3.7 齿轮轴的设计 15
3.8 转向传动机构设计 17
3.8.1 转向传动机构的原理 17
3.8.2 转向梯形机构尺寸的初步确定 18
3.8.3 转向梯形的近似设计 18
3.9 球头销 20
3.10 转向横拉杆 21
本章小结 21
第4章EPS部件的选择 22
4.1 电动机 22
4.2 减速机构 22
4.3 扭矩传感器 23
本章小结 23
第5章结论 24
附录 26
程序源代码: 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28