Most of the pure electric logistics vehicles on the market still use the centralized drive form, but the distributed drive form is a new type of drive. It has many advantages for dynamic control, automotive structure design, energy efficiency and other performances, and itcan also improve the shortage of centralized driving methods.Therefore, the research on distributed drive pure electric vehicle technology is conducive to the development and promotion of the new energy vehicles.
This paper first introduces the principle and basis of the general layout design of the car. After analyzing the parameters of the given vehicle, it is determined that the designed model is a pure electric logistics vehicle. The six basic drive layouts of pure electric vehicles are introduced. The advantages of distributed drives versus centralized drives are theoretically analyzed. Two different distributed drive layout schemes are proposed. After comparative analysis, a new layout scheme for distributed drive pure electric logistics vehicles was designed. According to the basic parameters, the relevant parameters of the power battery, front and rear drive motor and transmission system are determined, and the front and rear axles, frame and suspension are also selected. The final calculation checks the vehicle's power and cruising range, which meets the design requirements.
Key Words:distributed drive; layout; electric logistics vehicle; parameter matching
参数名称 参数值 参数名称 参数值
整备质量(kg) 2820 迎风面积(m×m) 5.7
满载质量(kg) 4520 风阻系数 0.456
轴距(mm) 3650 轮胎半径(m) 0.32
传动效率 0.93 滚动阻力系数 0.014
旋转质量转换系数 1.2 后减速比(参考) 5.689
(1)最高车速 ≥100km/h;
(2)最大爬坡度 ≥20%;
(3)0-50km/h加速时间 ≤10s;
(4)NEDC工况法续航里程 ≥240km。

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题研究背景和意义 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
1.4 本文主要研究内容 2
第二章 分布驱动纯电动车的总布置方案 4
2.1 总布置设计的原则和依据 4
2.2 纯电动车的总布置形式 4
2.3 分布驱动纯电动车的总布置形式 6
2.3.1 分布驱动纯电动车的优点 6
2.3.2 分布驱动纯电动车的布置方案 6
2.3.3 动力电池的布置 8
2.4 本章小结 8
第三章 分布驱动纯电动车的动力系统参数匹配 9
3.1 整车基本参数和设计要求 9
3.2 驱动电机选型和参数匹配 9
3.2.1驱动电机的性能要求 9
3.2.2电机选型 9
3.2.3 驱动电机功率选择 10
3.2.4 驱动电机转速选择 12
3.2.5 驱动电机转矩计算 12
3.2.6 驱动电机额定电压选择 12
3.3 电池参数匹配设计 13
3.3.1 动力电池类型选择 13
3.3.2 动力电池组容量选择 13
3.4 传动系统参数设计 14
3.5 分布驱动纯电动车的动力及续航里程分析 15
3.5.1 最高车速分析 15
3.5.2 爬坡性能分析 17
3.5.3 加速性能分析 18
3.5.4 续航里程分析 18
3.6 本章小结 18
第四章 驱动桥及其他部件的设计 19
4.1 驱动桥的概述 19
4.2 驱动桥的结构设计 19
4.3 驱动桥各部件设计 19
4.3.1 主减速器设计 19
4.3.2 差速器设计 20
4.3.3 车轮传动装置的设计 20
4.3.4 驱动桥壳的设计 20
4.4 其他部件的选择 21
4.5 本章小结 21
第五章 总结与展望 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 25