The increasingly serious energy crisis and environmental pollution have posed more severe challenges to the development and progress of the automotive industry. In order to achieve the sustainable development of the automobile industry, electric vehicles driven by motors can truly achieve pollution-free. This research has become the focus of automobile research and development in various countries. The main content of this design is about the drive axle design of distributed drive pure electric vehicle. Drive axle is an important part of electric vehicle, its performance directly affects the performance of the vehicle.
This paper designs a drive axle of distributed drive pure electric vehicle. Firstly, the overall scheme is designed to meet the requirements. Secondly, the structure of the drive axle is determined. In this paper, the selection scheme of pure electric vehicle drive axle is defined as integral type (non-disconnected type), followed by the design and verification of each component of the drive axle, including half axle, main reducer, differential and axle housing. Finally, these three-dimensional parts of the electric drive axle are modeled and assembled by the modeling software, so as to verify the rationality of the structure and turn the three-dimensional model into two-dimensional drawings.
Key words: drive axle; distributed drive; main reducer; differential; half axle; axle housing
参数名称 参数值 参数名称 参数值
整备质量(kg) 2820 迎风面积(m×m) 5.7
满载质量(kg) 4520 风阻系数 0.456
轴距(mm) 3650 轮胎半径(m) 0.32
传动效率 0.93 滚动阻力系数 0.014
旋转质量转换系数 1.2 后减速比(参考) 5.689
(1)最高车速 ≥100km/h;
(2)最大爬坡度 ≥20%;
(3)0-50km/h加速时间 ≤10s;

第1章绪论 1
1.1论文研究背景和意义 1
1.2研究目的 1
1.3国内外研究现状及发展趋势 1
1.4本论文的主要研究内容 3
第2章总体方案的设计 4
2.1所需达到的设计目标 4
2.2.1电动汽车的轴数及驱动形式的设计 4
2.2.2电动汽车布置形式的选择 4
2.2.3电机参数的选择 6
2.2.4主减速比的计算 8
2.3.动力性的分析 9
2.3.1 最高车速分析 9
2.3.2 爬坡性能分析 10
2.3.3 加速性能分析 10
第3章.驱动桥结构形式及选择 11
3.1驱动桥的概述及选择 11
3.2驱动桥构件的结构形式的选择 11
3.2.1主减速器结构方案的分析 11
3.2.2差速器结构方案的分析 11
3.2.3半轴的选择 12
3.2.4驱动桥桥壳的选择 12
第4章驱动桥的设计计算 13
4.1主减速器的设计与计算 13
4.1.1减速比的分配 13
4.1.2运动和动力参数计算 13
4.1.3 齿轮的参数计算 13
4.2差速器的设计与计算 22
4.2.1差速器的结构型式 22
4.2.2差速器齿轮的基本参数选择 23
4.2.3差速器齿轮强度计算 25
4.3半轴的设计与计算 26
4.3.1半轴轴径的确定 26
4.3.2半轴花键及半轴的强度校核 26
4.4驱动桥壳的设计与计算 28
4.4.1驱动桥壳的结构方案分析 28
4.4.2驱动桥壳的强度计算 28
第5章驱动桥的主要校核 31
5.1齿轮轴的设计与校核: 31
5.1.1高速轴的设计和校核 31
5.1.2低速轴的设计与校核 34
5.2键的设计与校核 35
5.3轴承的校核 35
第6章结论 37
参考文献 38
附录 39
附A高速级接触疲劳强度校核程序和结果 39
附B高速级弯曲强度校核程序和结果 40
致谢 42