When a car is moving forward on the road, it is required to rely on the driver's ideas to adjust the direction of the car for many times. This is the definition of car steering. The steering system of automobile is essentially a set of mechanical mechanism, which is used to change the direction of automobile. The research content of this design is the steering system design of EQ1092F8AD long-head light truck.
The main task of this paper is to design a set of integral steering mechanism, and it can be applied to the suspension type of light truck in this design. According to the knowledge of automobile design and related connecting rod mechanism, we first choose the form of steering gear, then choose the steering transmission mechanism to select the form of steering trapezium. Subsequently, the design calculation of each part of the steering gear, such as the gear fan, nut, rack and screw, is carried out. The trapezoidal arm and bottom angle are calculated in the steering trapezoid. Finally, the three-dimensional model of steering system is designed with CATIA software, and all parts are assembled.
In this design, considering the working condition of the truck and the load of the front axle, the circular spherical rack fan steering gear is chosen for the steering gear. In the design of this type of steering gear, it includes the design of nut-ball-screw transmission pair and rack-fan transmission pair. The design of nut-ball-screw transmission pair first determines the module of gear sector according to the front axle load, and then determines a series of other dimensions such as ball diameter, ball center distance and screw outer diameter by looking up tables. The design of rack-gear fan transmission pair is also based on the front axle load to determine the modulus of the gear sector, and then select a series of dimensions such as pressure angle and width of the gear sector.
In this design, the steering trapezoids are integral steering trapezoids. In this design, we first establish constraints according to the structural and performance requirements of the steering trapezoid, and roughly calculate the length range of the trapezoid arm and the bottom angle range of the trapezoid. Then the corresponding optimization model is established, and different trapezoidal arm lengths and trapezoidal bottom angles are selected for simulation. Finally, the group with the least error is selected.
After referring to the relevant information, this paper sums up a set of design steps and specific methods of light truck steering system, which provides a clear idea for future generations to solve related problems.
Key words:steering system; steering gear; steering trapezoid; transmission pair; structural elements

第1章绪论 1
1.1 转向系概述 1
1.2 目的和意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状 1
1.4EQ1092F8AD型长头轻型货车转向系设计的主要内容 2
第2章汽车转向系方案 3
2.1转向系的主要性能参数 3
2.1.1转向器的传动效率 3
2.1.2 传动比的变化特性 5
2.1.3 转向盘的总转动圈数 6
2.2 转向系的选择 7
2.2.1 机械式转向系 7
第3章转向器方案的选择 9
3.1机械式转向器的选择 9
3.1.1 循环球-齿条齿扇式转向器 9
第4章汽车转向传动机构 11
4.1转向传动机构的选择 11
4.2整体式转向梯形相配的转向传动机构 11
4.3转向梯形的选择 13
第5章转向系的设计计算 14
5.1方向盘直径的选取 14
5.2转向器类型选择及其设计计算 14
5.2.1 螺杆-钢球-螺母传动副设计 14
5.3齿条-齿扇传动副设计 17
5.4转向器的计算和校核 20
5.4.1 循环球式转向器零件的强度计算 20
5.4.2齿的弯曲应力 21
5.4.3钢珠与滚道之间的接触压力 22
5.4.4转向摇臂的轴径确定 23
5.5整体式转向梯形的优化 23
第6章基于Matlab的转向梯形机构优化设计 27
6.1建立相应的主函数 27
6.2 生成实际值和期望值图像及相应函数 29
结论 33
参考文献 34
致谢 35