Today, with the development of technology, the emergence of flying cars is the general trend. With the traffic congestion in cities, people gradually focus on flying cars. Over the years, the design of flying cars has become more and more innovative. Flying cars have unique advantages in some aspects. In addition to solving urban congestion, they can also be used for sightseeing and rescue. The lift mode of the flying vehicle designed in this paper is the spin-rotor type, which can achieve vertical landing in short distance compared with the fixed wing type. Compared with the ordinary rotor type, it has smaller mass, simpler mechanical structure and lower cost. Therefore, the spin-rotor type flying vehicle is chosen as the main design objective in this paper.
The main research and design contents of this paper are as follows:
In this paper, the lift system of flying vehicle is compared and selected. The advantages and disadvantages of single-rotor, coaxial twin-rotor, scissors-rotor and multi-axis multi-rotor are analyzed, and the rotor model is selected and the size is designed.
Calculate and predict the overall body of the flying vehicle according to the design of the vehicle, such as the body outline size, wheelbase, the quality parameters of the flying vehicle and the performance parameters of the flying vehicle.
According to the actual needs of the chassis system selection, there are suspension selection, transmission system design, the basic design of transmission.
According to the design parameters, the appropriate engine and pre-rotating mechanism are selected.
The design parameters are completed and the ground performance and air performance are calculated.
In the process of design, this paper refers to some existing flying vehicle models at home and abroad, and in the aspect of performance calculation, refers to the automobile design, and makes the layout of each system.
Key words: flying vehicle, general layout, system selection, spinning rotor, performance calculation
车长 车宽 车高
4.8m 1.66m 1.1m

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究的意义 1
1.2 研究的背景以及研究现状 1
1.3 设计的思路 2
第2章 总体车身设计 3
2.1 飞行汽车总设计形式 3
2.2 车身尺寸的设计 3
2.2.1 汽车的轴距L 4
2.3.2 前后轮距b1和b2 4
2.3 飞行汽车质量参数 4
2.3.1 汽车整备质量 4
2.3.2 汽车的总质量 4
2.4 汽车的性能参数 5
2.4.1 动力性参数 5
2.4.2 地面模式的性能 5
2.4.3 空中模式的性能 5
第3章 气动外形及气动零件 6
3.1 升力系统的选择 6
3.1.1 升力系统的种类 6
3.1.2 不同升力系统的优缺点 9
3.1.3 升力系统的分析以及选择 9
3.2 旋翼的选型 9
3.2.1 单轴单旋翼构型 9
3.2.2 单轴双旋翼构型 10
3.2.3 剪刀式旋翼构型 10
3.2.4 多轴多旋翼构型 10
3.3 其他气动零件的设计 10
3.3.1 气动外形的设计以及减租 10
3.3.2 水平安定面和垂直安定面 10
3.3.3 旋翼的参数化设计 11
3.3.4 推进螺旋桨的设计 12
第4章 底盘系统的设计 13
4.1 悬架的选取以及设计 13
4.1.1 悬架的可选类型 13
4.1.2 悬架的选取 14
4.2 传动系的设计以及布置 14
4.3 变速器的设计以及计算选取 15
4.4 制动系统的设计 16
4.4.1 地面模式制动系统 16
4.4.2 空中模式制动系统 17
4.5 轮胎的选择 17
第5章 动力系统的设计 18
5.1 发动机的参数化设计 18
5.1.1 地面模式 18
5.1.2 飞行模式 18
5.1.3 发动机的选取 19
5.2 预旋转机构的设计 19
第6章 飞行汽车的总布置 21
6.1 飞行汽车的底盘布置 21
6.2 飞行模式和地面模式的机械布置 21
第7章 性能计算 23
7.1 地面模式的性能计算 23
7.1.1 初始计算参数 23
7.1.2 动力性计算 24
7.1.3 制动性计算 24
7.1.4 操纵稳定性的计算 25
7.2 飞行模式的性能计算 28
7.2.1 航程航时 28
7.2.2 滑跑起飞 29
7.2.3 着陆距离 29
7.2.4 计算结果 30
7.3 本章小结 31
第8章 飞行汽车的评价及展望 32
8.1 飞行汽车的评价 32
8.2 飞行汽车的展望 32
参考文献 33
致谢 34