驱动桥当车辆在行驶时不仅要承载它的 ,还要负担从地面传递而来的铅锤力等,这些力一般通过车轮以及悬架等结构到桥身。而且驱动桥不同于普通车桥的地方便在于它的所处位置是直接与动力输出所关联,所以它需要为其传递转矩,这是传动系中的最大转矩。
关键词:汽车 承载驱动桥 主减速器 差速器
The drive axle is one of the four major assemblies of the car. It has a lot of parts and a complicated structure, and its performance will directly affect the performance of the whole vehicle.
In the car, the drive axle not only has to bear the load on the full load spring of the car, but also bears the plumb force and longitudinal force generated by the wheel through the wheel, the frame or the load-bearing body through the suspension. Moreover, the convenience of the transaxle from the conventional axle is that its location is directly related to the power output, so it needs to transmit torque for it, which is the maximum torque in the drive train.
After reviewing and reflecting on the past drive axle design data, this paper combines the parameters of the Jade sedan with reasonable parameters and structural design. At the same time, I also found the existing Jeddell's transaxle. The principle of structure, and through the street car to view and think, consider how I can complete a reasonable and dynamic, economical and other can basically meet the requirements of the transaxle design. The key to this is the design and matching of the final drive and the differential as the soul part of the drive axle. The parameters of these two structures determine the size and position of the entire drive axle. Therefore, in the parameter calculation process of these two structures, I strictly consult the relevant materials and the opinions of the reference instructors, and carry out several modifications to complete its structural design and parametric modeling.
Key words:automobile driving axle main reducer differential half axle

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2驱动桥研究现状 1
1.3驱动桥设计要求 1
1.4 驱动桥计算准备 2
第2章 主减速器的设计 4
2.1 驱动桥结构分析 4
2.2 主减速器的结构和功用 4
2.3 主减速器的类型 5
2.4 主减速器齿轮支承形式 5
2.5 主减速器参数设计 5
2.5.1 主减速比 计算 5
2.5.2 主减速器齿轮载荷计算 6
2.6 主减速器齿轮 8
2.6.1 主、从动齿轮简介 8
2.6.2 斜齿轮设计计算 9
2.6.3 主减速器齿轮参数表 12
2.7 主减速器设计小结 13
第3章 差速器设计 14
3.1差速器结构形式选择 14
3.2差速器齿轮设计 14
3.2.1 差速器齿轮参数 15
3.2.2 差速器齿轮校核 17
3.2.3 汽车差速器齿轮的参数表 20
3.3 轴承选择与校核 20
3.4 差速器设计小结 23
第4章 驱动车轮的传动装置设计 24
4.1 半轴的型式 24
4.2 半轴设计 24
4.3 半轴校核 25
4.3.1 校核工况 25
4.3.2 半浮式半轴计算载荷的确定: 25
4.4 半轴材料 29
4.5半轴设计小结 29
第5章 万向节及桥壳设计 31
5.1 万向节结构选择 31
5.2 万向节的材料及热处理 31
5.3 桥壳的简介 32
5.4 驱动桥壳的设计 32
5.5 万向节与桥壳设计小结 32
结论 34
致谢 36
参考文献 37