摘 要
Car body general layout is in a high-rise position in the design of the car, and it has an important guiding role in the entire design process. The general layout involves the overall parameters of the vehicle body and the selection ,and arrangement of the various components, such as suspensions, seats, engines and the like. After satisfying the reasonable arrangement of each plate, it is necessary to carry out man-machine check to ensure that the design meets the best function and man-machine coordination, so that the vehicle performance and the ride experience can be optimized.
The new energy vehicles that have emerged in recent years are different in structure from traditional fuel vehicles, so the overall layout should be designed more scientifically with new perspectives and methods. The overall layout design of the new energy vehicle, the reference target is the pure electric vehicle BYD Qin EV450, according to its appearance and various parameters, through the design process, learn the car's innovation in the overall layout. While deepening the understanding of theoretical knowledge, we will cultivate our own innovative ability and bring our professional knowledge into line with the times.
Key words: car body general layout design; ergonomics; chassis layout; interior layout
表3.1 同级车型轴距对比
车型 轴 距 L/mm
吉利帝豪EV450 2650
长安逸动EV460 2700
A级车(1.6L~2.0L排量) 2500~2700
结合市场上同级车的轴距尺寸范围,本次设计的新能源A级车的轴距L定为 2670mm。
表3.2 同级车型轮距对比
车型 轮 距B/mm
吉利帝豪EV450 1502/1492
长安逸动EV460 1548/1559
A级车(1.6L~2.0L排量) 1300~1580

第1 章绪论 1
1.1论文选题意义及目的 1
1.2国内外发展现状 1
第2章 整车开发方案的选定 2
2.1设计任务 2
2.2总布置原则 2
2.3运用软件介绍 2
第3章 汽车总体参数设计 3
3.1汽车类型的确定 3
3.2汽车形式的选择 3
3.3汽车电机与电池的选择 3
3.3.1电机选择 3
3.3.2电池选择 3
3.4汽车轮胎的选择 4
3.5汽车主要尺寸参数的选择 4
3.5.1汽车轴距 4
3.5.2汽车前后轮距B1和B2 5
3.5.3汽车外廓尺寸 5
3.5.4汽车前悬Lf和后悬Lr 5
3.6汽车的质量参数的确定 6
3.6.1汽车的装备质量 6
3.6.2汽车的总质量 6
3.6.3汽车的轴荷分配 6
3.7汽车的主要性能参数的选择 7
3.7.1动力性参数 7
3.7.2通过性参数 7
第4章 车身动力总成及底盘的布置 9
4.1电机和电池的布置 9
4.1.1电机的布置 9
4.1.2电池的布置 9
4.2悬架的布置 10
4.3前后轮罩大小 11
第5章 车身室内人机工程的布置 12
5.1人机工程主要内容 12
5.2人机工程主要步骤 13
5.2.1人体百分位与舒适姿势 13
5.2.2踏板的布置 15
5.2.3 H点位置的确定 16
5.2.4人体布置 16
5.2.5座椅的布置 18
5.2.6车顶间隙与前后风窗的布置 20
5.2.7方向盘以及仪表盘的布置 21
5.2.8车身前罩、备胎及行李舱布置 22
第6章 结论 24
参考文献 25
致谢 26