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摘 要
The content of this paper was to introduce the current domestic and international status of the hydropneumatic suspension system. The improvement of the suspension system had not been very significant for a long time. Because the performance of the suspension system had a great influence on the mobility of the vehicle, improving the suspension system to improve the performance of the vehicle can greatly improve the cost performance, and has important practical significance. It also made a simple classification and working principle for the hydropneumatic suspension system. The description briefly introduced the classification and working principles of accumulators, and a comprehensive introduction was made to the comprehensive vehicle suspension system. In accordance with the requirements of the instructor, the parameters and structure of the hydropneumatic suspension cylinder were designed, and the relevant components of the suspension cylinder were checked for strength to meet the strength requirements, and the damping force of the designed suspension cylinder was also calculated. size.
Key words: Hydropneumatic suspension;Suspension cylinder;Design

第一章 绪论 4
1.1.1研究背景 4
1.1.2汽车起重机介绍 4
1.1.3汽车起重机产品分类 5
1.1.4国内汽车起重机市场结构 6
1.1.5市场竞争格局 6
第二章 悬挂系统介绍 8
2.1悬挂系统的组成 8
2.2悬挂系统的分类 9
2.3油气悬挂的分类 11
2.4油气悬挂的特点 12
2.5油气悬挂的应用领域 13
2.6本设计的内容 14
第三章 油气悬挂结构和原理 15
3.1悬挂油缸的结构和原理 15
3.2蓄能器的结构和原理 16
3.3蓄能器的作用和主要用途 17
第四章 悬挂缸的参数设计 19
4.1油气悬挂系统的分析 19
4.2油气悬挂的计算 19
第五章 悬挂缸零件的强度校核 23
5.1悬挂缸零件的校核 23
5.2悬挂缸阻尼力的计算 24
5.5悬挂缸设计要求 28
第六章 总结 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 32