来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D25244 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D25244
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At present, the number of cars in the world continues to increase, and the contradiction between the development of the auto industry and the shortage of energy is increasingly fierce. Faced with the enormous pressure of energy conservation and emission reduction, vehicle weight reduction is one of the most effective and direct ways to solve this problem. Of particular importance is the application and development of lightweight materials in automobiles.
This article starts with the lightweight of the car seat skeleton and studies the weight reduction of the car seat skeleton. The structural design of the new magnesium alloy seat frame was carried out, and the finite element simulation analysis was performed to illustrate the feasibility of adopting this material instead of the traditional steel material. Based on the analysis results, the structural optimization design was carried out to make the new magnesium alloy. The total weight of the seat frame is further reduced. Its main content is as follows:
First, under the circumstances of reading a large amount of domestic and foreign data and research, the paper introduced the main ways of car lightweighting and implementation, and the development status and trends at home and abroad. Then choose a round steel pipe seat skeleton to improve and establish a new model of magnesium alloy seat frame.
Secondly, ANSYS was selected as the seat static strength simulation analysis software to master the general method of establishing the finite element model of the seat skeleton and analyzing the static strength and mode of the seat.
Finally, combined with the results of finite element analysis, the topology optimization of the seat back skeleton was performed. The optimized backrest is better in performance and the weight is further reduced. The results show that the magnesium alloy seat frame is 34.6% lighter than the original steel seat frame and has higher static strength.
Keywords: lightweight; magnesium alloy; car seat; finite element

第1章绪论 1
1.1研究的目的与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 设计的基本内容与目标 2
1.4 拟采用的技术方案与措施 2
1.5本章小结 2
第2章设计材料的选取 4
2.1 轻量化材料在汽车上的应用现状 4
2.2镁合金的特点 4
2.3镁合金用于座椅骨架的国内外应用现状及前景 4
2.4 本章小结 5
第3章座椅骨架结构设计 6
3.1初步确定座椅骨架结构设计方案 6
3.2靠背圆钢管强度校核分析 7
3.3镁合金座椅骨架的设计方案 8
3.4靠背的结构设计 8
3.5 边板的结构设计 10
3.6椅架的结构设计 11
3.7脚撑的结构设计 12
3.8装配过程 13
3.9本章小结 15
第4章汽车座椅骨架有限元分析 16
4.1座椅骨架的有限元分析 16
4.2座椅结构有限元模型的建立 17
4.2.1几何模型的建立 17
4.3座椅总成静强度分析 18
4.4 座椅总成模态分析 19
4.5 脚撑的静强度分析 22
4.6 镁合金座椅靠背结构优化 24
4.6.1 拓扑优化有限元模型的建立 24
4.6.2 优化结构设计 26
4.7 本章小结 28
第5章总结与展望 29
5.1研究内容总结 29
5.2 今后工作展望 29
参考文献 30
致谢 31