来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D25247 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D25247
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This paper designsthe brake systemfor yutong bus with vehicle parameters of yutong elementary school bus. First of all, we select the braketype through the study of function and structure of automobile brake and the characteristics of all kinds of brakes. According to the selection of most similar vehicles and the advantages of using performance, the front and rear wheels in this article select the floating caliper disc brake. Then,Combining withthe vehicle parameters and running condition of yutong bus, main parameters of brake are selected and calculated, this paper checkssome parameters such as the wear characteristics of friction lining and brake torque of brake disc. In addition, this paper alsoput forward a feasible schemefor the parking brake of pneumatic disc brake system. The driving mechanism of braking systemchoosesthe pneumatic double circuit drive structure. Finally,the heat-structure coupling analysis was conducted on the front wheel brake discby using ABAQUS softwareto observe the brake disc temperature and thermal stress condition after a braking process. This paper is mainly in order to design a braking system with good performance and application. Study result shows that the design of the braking system can meet the demands of use and improve the performance.
Key Words: school bus;braking system;pneumatic disc brake
表3.1 整车基本参数
轴距L(mm) 3100
(约等于静力半径) 383.5
最高车速Vmax(km/h) 80
空载 满载
前轴荷Gkf(kg) 2475 前轴荷Gmf(kg) 2565
后轴荷Gkr(kg) 2025 后轴荷Gmr(kg) 3135
总质量Gk(kg) 4550 总质量Gm(kg) 5700
质心高Hgk( mm) 980 质心高Hgm( mm) 1260
质心距前轴ak( mm) 1395 质心距前轴am( mm) 1705
质心距后轴bk( mm) 1705 质心距后轴bm( mm) 1395

第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3制动系的功能与要求 1
1.4制动系的工作原理 2
第2章制动器结构型式及其选择 3
2.1制动器主流类型 3
2.2 制动器方案比较 3
2.2.1 盘式与鼓式制动器方案比较 3
2.2.2 盘式制动器各方案比较 4
2.3驻车制动方案设计 6
第3章制动器主要参数及其选择 7
3.1整车基本参数 7
3.2制动力与制动力分配系数 7
3.3同步附着系数计算 9
3.4制动器最大制动力矩计算 10
3.5利用附着系数和制动效率 11
3.6 本章小结 13
第4章制动器主要零部件设计计算 14
4.1制动盘主要参数确定 14
4.1.1 材料和加工工艺 14
4.1.2 制动盘直径D 14
4.1.3 制动盘厚度h 14
4.2摩擦衬块主要参数确定 14
4.2.1 摩擦衬块内半径R1和外半径R2 14
4.2.2 摩擦衬块有效半径 15
4.2.3 摩擦衬块的工作面积和磨损特性 16
4.2.4 摩擦片与制动盘间隙 18
4.3制动器部分参数核算 18
4.3.1 制动器制动性能核算 18
4.3.2 摩擦衬块参数设计核算 19
4.4 本章小结 20
第5章制动驱动机构设计计算 21
5.1制动驱动机构方案确定 21
5.2制动气室 22
5.3贮气罐 23
5.5本章小结 26
第6章制动器热-结构耦合分析 27
6.1 软件简介 27
6.2三维计算模型的简化和确定 27
6.3边界条件及计算数据的确定 28
6.3.1 分析基本假设 28
6.3.2 材料属性 29
6.3.3 模型传热参数和摩擦系数的确定 29
6.3.4 模型实际运动参数与分析中约束和载荷 30
6.4制动器温度场仿真结果与分析 30
6.5制动器应力场仿真结果与分析 31
6.6 本章小结 33
第7章总结和展望 34
参考文献 35
致谢 36