With the accelerated process of urban modernization, population growth, economic development and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the output of domestic waste is increasing, and the composition of the garbage has also changed a lot. Garbage is more and more serious harm to human beings, and it is a serious threat to people's life and health. Garbage is mixed solid-liquid state, composition is complex and unstable, with explanation of odor and corrosion of leachate, a serious impact on the urban environment. Enhanced awareness of environmental protection makes the rapid development of environmental sanitation machinery industry, compression type garbage transfer vehicles in the garbage disposal and transportation occupies an important position.
At present, our country in the field of pre installed garbage trucks remaining vacancies, compression type garbage truck is mainly for the rear and side mounted, there is no domestic manufacturers to produce pre loaded garbage truck. In this paper, according to the garbage truck in foreign and domestic development history and present situation, refers to the domestic and foreign present mainstream before loading compression type garbage truck, selection of the chassis and the car body general arrangement design, the model to compress rate is high, little secondary pollution, high transfer efficiency, no need to get off operation as the main characteristics, the design to meet China's current growing refuse transfer and demand as the main purpose to improve the current situation of domestic.
Key Words:autoCAD、frontloadergarbagetruck、chassis arrangement design.

第1章绪论 1
1.1研究背景及现状 1
1.1.1 我国城市垃圾处理背景 1
1.1.2城市生活垃圾集运模式 1
1.1.3国内垃圾车使用现状 2
1.2国内垃圾车研究概况 2
1.2.1无害化处理 2
1.2.2垃圾车的制造要求 3
1.2.3前装式垃圾车的优势 3
第2章垃圾车发展历史及选型 5
2.1垃圾车发展历史 5
2.2 设计选型 5
第3章垃圾车主要参数的选择 7
3.1 垃圾车设计任务,原则及目标 7
3.2 拟定方案 7
3.3整车形式的选择 7
3.4 垃圾车主要参数选择 9
3.5整车质量参数估算 12
3.6 垃圾车主要性能参数选择 14
3.7 垃圾车发动机主要性能指标的选择 16
第4章总结 18
参考文献 19
致谢 20