With the accelerated process of economic globalization, people increasingly high demand on living standard, preschool education has been developing rapidly, kindergartens and primary and secondary school students to and from school of transportation market gradually on the rise and expansion of, the number of special school bus get more demand.
This paper introduces the design process of Yutong school bus body frame by CATIA. The comparison and analysis of the bus body frame structure domesticly and abroad, as well as the development status of domestic and international bus are described. According to the figure of the ZK6559DX to various parameters, body general arrangement and size to complete body frame design, gives the procedure of the design of the body frame, structure and size and of the body frame were body load analysis and strength. Finally,it is the design evaluation analysis.
The design of the main purpose is to learn how to be independent of the bus body frame design, and learn how to profile and how to use it, as well as skeleton design process need to pay attention to some problems, and problems appeared in the course of dealing with the design by learning to develop their analysis of issues and problem solving ability.
Key Words:CATIA, school bus,body frame,structure
表3.1 校车主要参数
项目 数值(mm) 项目 数值(mm)
车身总长度 5540 车身总宽度 2100
车身总高度 2800 轴距 3300
前悬 830 后悬 1430
乘客门宽 850

第1章绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究意义 1
1.3国内客车发展现状 2
1.4国外客车发展现状 2
1.5主要研究内容 3
第2章 骨架结构分析 4
2.1非承载式车身 4
2.2 半承载式车身 5
2.3 承载式车身 6
2.4 校车车身骨架设计基本思路 7
2.5 骨架设计原则 8
第3章骨架主要尺寸参数的确定 9
3.1 参数确定 9
3.1.1骨架设计依据 9
3.1.2 车身骨架材料 9
3.1.3 全车结构整体规划 10
3.2 结构形式设计 10
3.2.1右侧围骨架设计 10
3.2.2左侧围骨架设计 11
3.2.3顶盖骨架设计 12
3.2.4 前围骨架设计 12
3.2.5后围骨架设计 13
3.2.6地板骨架设计 14
第4章强度、刚度的有限元分析 15
4.1 整车模型的建立 15
4.2 载荷和工况 15
4.2.1网格的划分 15
4.2.2 载荷处理 16
4.2.3计算工况 17
4.2.4 计算结果 17
4.3 车身结构的基础强度 20
第5章总结 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24