摘 要
关键词:车架纵梁横梁有限元 模态
This paper first discusses the development of tractor in the domestic situation, introduced the traditional design method to gradually improve the modern design method of research process, proposed the use of modern design method design of heavy tractor frame to avoid some models of the frame cracks And even the purpose of the design of the fracture, the main frame of the overall design, strength check, three-dimensional model, finite element and modal analysis.
This paper discusses the 6 × 4 type semi - trailer tractors with weight 49t, and selects the parameters such as engine power and wheelbase. According to the design requirements of the frame design, design principles, the overall form of the selected frame, vertical and horizontal beam parameters and connection. The three - dimensional model of frame assembly is established by CATIA software , To complete the initial design of the frame.
The design of the frame first full load uniform conditions, full load bending conditions and full load braking conditions of the multi-rigid body static analysis, the calculation results can be expected to meet the use of frame assembly design requirements. Then, the finite element model is established, and several typical working conditions of the frame assembly are analyzed by ANSYS software. The numerical results show that the frame meets the design requirements. Finally, the finite element calculation results are compared with the results of multi-rigid body calculation to verify the correctness of the two analysis methods.
In order to reduce or avoid the frame assembly and from the road and the engine and other transmission of the resonance occurred, the use of ANSYS frame to do modal analysis to calculate the frame assembly of the natural frequency and vibration, and from the ground and the engine Excitation frequency comparison, to improve the frame structure.
This topic is a reference for the design, analysis and optimization of the same heavy-duty tractor frame.
Key words:FrameStringerBeam Finite eleme Modal

第1章绪论 1
1.1 课题的提出 1
1.2 课题的目的及意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
1.4 主要研究内容 3
第2章牵引车参数确定 5
2.1 牵引车类型选取 5
2.2 最大功率选取 5
2.3 轴距L选取 6
2.4 轮距B选取 6
2.5 轮胎尺寸选取 6
第3章车架总体设计确定 7
3.1 车架设计要求 7
3.2 车架设计原则 7
3.3 结构总体设计 8
3.4 纵梁设计 8
3.4.1 截面形状 8
3.4.2 截面尺寸 9
3.4.3 纵梁长度 10
3.4.4 纵梁材料 10
3.5 横梁设计 11
3.5.1 截面形状 11
3.5.2 布置方案 12
3.5.3 横梁布置位置 12
3.5.4 横梁材料 12
3.6 横纵梁连接 12
3.6.1 横梁与纵梁的连接方式 12
3.6.2 横梁与纵梁的连接方法 13
3.6.3 横梁与纵梁连接确定 13
3.7 牵引座选取 13
第4章三维模型的建立 14
4.1 软件介绍 14
4.2 纵梁模型建立 14
4.3 横梁模型建立 14
4.4 连接板模型建立 16
4.5 牵引座模型建立 17
4.6 车架模型建立 17
第5章多工况设计计算 18
5.1 满载匀速行驶工况 18
5.2 满载弯曲工况 21
5.3 满载制动工况 21
5.4 静力学计算结论 23
第6章多工况数值分析 24
6.1 满载弯曲工况 24
6.2 满载制动工况 25
6.3 满载扭转工况 26
6.4 满载转弯工况 27
6.5 数值分析结论 28
第7章模态分析 29
第8章总结与展望 32
8.1 总结 32
8.2 工作展望 32
参考文献 33
附录A 35
附录B 36
附录C 36
附录D 36
附录E 37
致谢 38