Three-dimensional design about rear brake of economy car
The rapid development of the domestic vehicle market, saloon car is an important tendency of vehicle. However, with increasing of vehicle, security issues are arising from increasingly attracting attention, the braking system is one of important system of active safety. Therefore, how to design a high-performance braking system, to provide protection for safe driving is the main problem we must solve. In addition, with increasing competition of vehicle market, how to shorten the product development cycle, to improve design efficiency and to lower costs, to improve the market competitiveness of products, and has become a key to success of enterprises.
This paper mainly introduces the design of braking system. Fist of all, braking system’s development, structure and category are shown. Besides, this paper also introduces the designing process of rear brake, braking cylinder, parameter’s choice of main components braking and channel settings.
Key words: braking; brake drum;

摘要 I
前 言 1
1 本课题的目的和意义 1
2 汽车制动系概述 1
3 鼓式制动器技术研究进展和现状 2
5 汽车制动器的现代设计方法 2
第 1 章 鼓式制动器结构形式及选择 4
第 2 章 制动系的主要参数及其选择 6
2.1 制动力与制动力分配系数 6
2.2 同步附着系数 13
2.3 制动器最大制动力矩 16
2.4 鼓式制动器的结构参数与摩擦系数 17
2.4.1 制动鼓内径D 17
2.4.2 鼓式制动器的主要几何参数 19
2.4.3 摩擦衬片起始角 20
2.4.4 制动器中心到张开力P作用线的距离a 20
2.4.5 制动蹄支承点位置坐标k和c 20
2.4.6 衬片摩擦系数f 20
第3 章 制动器的设计计算 22
3.1浮式领—从蹄制动器(平行支座面) 制动器因素计算 22
3.2制动驱动机构的设计计算 24
3.2.1 所需制动力计算 24
3.2.2 制动踏板力验算 25
3.2.3确定制动轮缸直径 26
3.3 制动蹄片上的制动力矩 28
3.4 制动蹄上的压力分布规律 34
3.5 摩擦衬片的磨损特性计算 36
3.6 制动器的热容量和温升的核算 39
3.7 行车制动效能计算 40
3.8 驻车制动的计算 41
第4章 制动器主要零件的结构设计 44
4.1制动鼓 44
4.2 制动蹄 44
4.3 制动底板 45
4.4 制动轮缸 45
4.6 摩擦材料 46
结论 47
致谢 48
附录 49
参考文献 51