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关键词:多刚体动力学 动态仿真 汽车动力学
The modeling of vehicle und Virtual performance analysis
With the development of science and technology and the improvement of living standards, there is an increasing demand in the performances of every aspect of the vehicle, whether power, economy and security. The traditional design method of vehicle hat been unable to meet the requirements of today’s vehicle. Therefore, vehicle multi-rigid-body modeling and virtual dynamic simulation technology developed. And the corresponding virtual analysis software is produced. With the knowledge of system of dynamics, first establish multi-rigid-body model. Then do the virtual analysis of it with the help of virtual simulation software. After that, all performance parameters of the vehicle can be obtained. This kind of new vehicle design method breaks the restrictions of traditional vehicle design method in instrument, equipment, space and so on. It greatly saves the research and development costs and time. At the same time, the result is more accurate with it. Therefore, the technology is developing rapidly today. This technology will become the development direction of vehicle research and development. This article will take Audi A4 for example, establish the vehicle model and do the virtual simulation of every performance with the software WM to introduce this technology.
Keywords: Multi-rigid-body dynamics; Dynamics simulation; Vehicle dynamics;
名称 长 宽 高 轴距
数值 4761mm 1826mm 1439mm 2869mm

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 引言 1
1.1 车辆多体模型建模及动态仿真技术国内外现状 1
1.2 车辆多体模型建模及动态仿真技术的目的和意义 2
1.3 研究思路和技术方法 3
第二章 车辆多体模型建模及动态仿真技术概述 6
2.1 车辆多体模型建模及动态仿真理论基础 6
2.2 基于计算机的车辆动力学仿真研究 8
2.2.1 车辆动力学仿真研究软件 9
2.2.2 WM (MORKINGMODEL)动力学仿真软件 9
2.3 几何模型建模 13
2.3.1 刚体几何模型建模 14
2.3.2 可变物体几何模型建模 15
2.4 动力学模型建模 15
2.4.1 刚体动力学模型 15
2.4.2 拉压变形物体动力学模型建模 16
2.4.3 弯扭变形物体动力学模型建模 18
第三章 车辆多刚体模型建模 19
3.1 车辆结构性能描述 19
3.1.1 车辆性能描述 19
3.1.2 车辆结构描述 21
3.1.3 车辆多刚体模型描述 22
3.2 车体的几何建模 23
3.3 车轴几何模型建模 28
3.4 车轮多刚体模型建模 29
3.4.1 车轮几何模型建模 29
3.4.2 车轮动力学模型建模 31
3.4.3 车轮动力学模型参数确定 33
3.5 车辆多刚体动力学模型建模 34
3.5.1 车辆多刚体动力学模型 35
3.5.2 车辆多刚体动力学模型参数确定 37
第四章 路面模型建模 40
4.1 刚体路面模型 40
4.2 变形路面模型 40
第五章 车辆动力学特性虚拟分析 42
5.1 车辆动力性虚拟分析 42
5.2 车辆舒适性虚拟分析 44
5.3 车辆稳定性虚拟分析 45
5.4 模拟结果分析 48
结束语 50
参考文献 51
致谢 52