摘 要
Steering-By-Wire system which eliminates the mechanical connection between the steering wheel and the front wheel, is mainly by the sensors, controllers and actuators to finish the task of steering, the system can be divided into the implementation of the module, the controller module, steering wheel module and the auxiliary redundancy modules. Therefore, this paper based on four modules starts to design steering-by-wire system and simulate.
First, there is a brief introduction about the structure of steering-by-wire system, working process and development, and then each module is designed one by one. According to hardware requirements for the work and performance of them, each hardware has been selected and calculated by analyzing composition of implementation of the module for hardware of steering-by-wire system; because the steering electromotor is the power source of steering-by-wire system, it provides a steering torque for vehicle steering, according to the analysis of the implementation of the steering electromotor characteristics, the permanent magnet brush DC motor as the steering electromotor has been chose and a dynamic model of the motor has established, the voltage or current of the armature to control the torque of the steering electromotor has been studied and we has made the simulation results that show which the current closed-loop control can achieve accurate tracking of the target current control in Matlab/Simulink to meet the requirements of the motor. Then the second ring cascade PID control simulation model of the outer ring in the corner has been established, along with the motor dynamics model has constituted steering-by-wire system model and we has made simulation analysis. Comparing with the traditional horizontal steering system of the vehicle about yaw rate and sideslip angle response, it proves that the model is reasonable and the current PID closed loop strategy is feasible.
Secondly, the redundant system has been designed, according to present three common redundancy design, this paper will adopt a redundancy scheme of steering-by-wire system and electric power systems, which can improve performance and lower costs. Then the steering wheel module of the system were analyzed and through analyzing this module hardware and according to the requirements of the major hardware we have finished selection and calculation of them; wherein the motor in this module is the same as that one in implementation of the module . After the sources of road feeling are analyzed and then the steering wheel assembly is modeled. Road feeling algorithm is set up in which the reactive torque is calculated by vehicle speed and steering wheel angle. The simulation results in Matab/Simulink platform show that the road feeling generated by this algorithm is similar to traditional vehicle. In the same time, reactive torque has been obtained as a sense of the way the control system of the target torque, which is the control system of the target current.
Finally, there is a structural theoretical analysis for the controller module, due to analysis of the implementation of the module and the steering wheel module, this paper will use the 2-wire steering control channel structure ,whose forward channel and the feedback channel respectively has only a single angle or torque information but its advantages include simple control structure and the better stability compared to multi-channel control structure. The forward channel is the difference between the pinion angle signal and steering wheel angle as a control signal to control the steering motor to achieve automobile steering control; the feedback channel is by turning reactive torque control as the basis for controlling the motor road feel to achieve a sense of driver feedback.
Key Words:Steering-By-Wire System;PMDC motor;PID control;Control Structure
参数 参数值
类型 齿轮齿条
传动比 49.93mm/rev
齿条行程 240mm
最大齿轮力 6500N

摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1设计背景及意义 1
1.2汽车转向系统的发展现状 2
1.2.1 国外线控转向系统的发展现状 2
1.2.2 国内线控转向系统发展现状 2
1.3 线控转向系统的概述 3
1.4 本文研究内容 5
第2章 线控转向系统转向执行模块设计 7
2.1转向执行模块组成 7
2.1.1机械转向器 7
2.1.2转向执行电机 8
2.1.3减速器选型 11
2.1.4传感器选型 12
2.2转向执行电机模型的建立 13
2.2.1转向力矩的控制方法 14
2.2.2转向执行电机转矩控制仿真分析 18
2.3线控转向系统模型设计 20
2.3.1汽车转向模型建立 20
2.3.2转向仿真模型搭建 22
2.3.3转向系统仿真分析 23
2.4本章小结 26
第3章 线控转向系统冗余系统模块设计 27
3.1线控转向系统冗余设计提出 27
3.2不同线控转向系统冗余系统结构及原理 27
3.2.1液压转向冗余设计 27
3.2.2机械转向冗余设计 28
3.2.3线控转向冗余设计 29
3.3线控转向系统冗余设计结构 29
3.4本章小结 31
第4章 线控转向系统方向盘模块设计 32
4.1方向盘模块结构 32
4.1.1路感电机 32
4.1.2传感器选型 34
4.2路感算法模型设计 35
4.2.1路感简述 35
4.2.2回正力矩计算 35
4.2.3路感算法仿真分析 38
4.3本章小结 41
第5章 线控转向系统总控制结构设计 42
5.1线控转向系统控制结构 42
5.2 线控转向系统总控制结构 43
5.3本章小结 44
第6章 全文总结与展望 45
6.1全文总结 45
6.2研究展望 46
参考文献 47
附录 49
致谢 50